Feb 05, 2007 00:25
I have been dieing for a good enlightening something/anything to read. So I picked up a new mag called "GOOD"; which rather self-promotes itself as a cultural socio-political mag that "is for people who give a damn. Its an entertaining magazine about things that matter."
Its only the second issue.
It wasn't until I had gotten home that I read the letter to the editor.... which, excluding the 3 from a school they donated some computers to, where all complaints of how disappointing the first issue was.
I read through the entire thing during the superbowl - which some ppl seem to demand that you are at least in the same room as a TV -_-. I can't say I disagree. It was a very disappointing magazine. It has very biased liberal views, there really isn't that much writing in it - most of which was completely uninspired short-ass articles that feel like reading some dodgey little cow-town Gazette. There were only 2 interesting pieces in the whole thing. The first was 350 words about the SSCS, which is essentially GreenPeace ships that actually attack whaling ships -_-". The second was a contributing author writing about Wal-Mart - something not actually negative. She brings a valid point that is usually over-looked. Wal-Mart is still evil, and as any good ideological college student, I hate wal-mart. But the fact remains that the evils of capitalism make Wal-mart necessary. Most ppl make less than $9 an hour, which isn't much over poverty level. Without wal-mart and how it "exudes cheapness" most ppl would have to do without.
In conclusion, I failed abysmally to find something enlightening to read. I won't buy it again. -_-