
Jan 31, 2007 22:15

Laptop fixed. figure it out all by myself xD "GRUB" is the linux bootloader that replaced the windows boot when you istall a dual OS. Thus, when I deleted linux first, it wasn't possible to load anything.

for some reason I've been rather reminiscent this afternoon. Ya know, the first Savage Garden album is still one of the bestest LPs ever released. *sigh* Just a few days ago, I had the thought that Savage Garden is the one and only music related t-shirt (or any other memoriabilia) that I have ever owned.

Gamers are really obsessive compulsive ppl. I've been talking to one of my former commanders when I played Tribal Wars before I graduated. The problem with that particular game is never ends!!!! That round has been going on for close to a year now -_-" Even if I hadn't had to quite due to moving across the world, I would have been sick of it by now. When I started the Pirates tribe in that game, I really didn't expect much to happen. But by the time I left, it had expanded into 5 factions with about ~300 members. My commanders that I appointed were quite capable. All these months later, my empire has grown to 36 factions and over 1800 members (the largest in the game). O_O Wow. Look what I started, lol.

My new game I've been playing, imperiaonline, I'm still ranked ~35th in networth. I'm currently on "vacation mode" due to having lost my laptop yesterday. Its a minimum 48hr lockout, so its kind of nice to not have to worry about logging in every few hours. Its nothing as stressful as Tribal Wars, but still requires an exceptional amount of dedication.

That is all. ^.^


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