Feb 10, 2008 13:22
Sunday 27 January 2008
Spent the entire day on the phone…
Monday 28
Discovered my movement memory is good enough to not be an issue despite having missed 3 tai chi classes in a row.
Tuesday 29
After teaching, braved the height of a small but blizzardy storm to deliver paperwork.
On the weekend my dear friend flew in, so picked her up at the airport after my morning class, then spent the intervening several days helping her move.
The evening after she arrived my child seemed a bit quiet during early evening. Mid-evening I looked across the room and saw his ears were a bright red with sudden fever… Spent the rest of the night up with him, getting liquids into him and trying to ease his discomforts, reassure him. By early next morning the fever broke without the appearance of any other symptoms.
I had an hour and a half of sleep before getting up to take my friend and her partner to rent their reserved moving van; I felt surprisingly well enough despite having been up most of Friday night also, trying to complete a letter for my friend when she arrived... But our new car continues to have tire issues, and I was again on the ‘donut’, spare tyre. Although the day broke fair a wintery mix began during checkout, an impediment as they drove the van to the house and I was on the highway regulated by the donut to under 50 mph, less of an issue with others slowed by the wintery precipitation but a challenge with the very different-characteristics of the odd tyre in the driving mix. Spent the rest of that day packing, the following day helping them run errands to close out their affairs here, the child tired from after-effects of fever but otherwise well and delighted to be with his friends.
Although moving is a least favorite activity, it’s one I’ve had much experience in…and experience makes it easier as well to make it appear to say last farewells with some semblance of composure… but each time it is harder, not easier, to see someone one loves go. Each time life is shorter and connections dearer…
Friday 9 February 2008
Took snacks for the (unexpectedly few) kids at the science club, lunch at the Noodle Shop where my imp did his “job” offered at our first visit by the chef, then shopped for clothes in my favorite clothes shop in Brookside… love the lines they carry, the salespeople greet me by name, invariably assure me they are pleased with my child’s conduct while I try on clothes. I always find something… After running the usual Friday errands, went as a family to test drive the Eee; think I’ll get one, if I can find a black one; the white won’t look respectable for long in my life! Finally something that does what I want (fast startup, full albeit small keyboard and all the basics- I used to use the software on it, no problem- shockproof and neither too small for sustained use nor too large to be truly portable). And enough memory can be installed to keep me happy for a long time!
Saturday 10 February 2008
Productive day: after teaching my class where there was so much going on- my students are amazing, and share their lives with me in a way that makes my heart- took tai chi, and finally was able to do shoulder exercises after, uninterrupted (unlike at home…)!
In the morning before class, I made insoles to complete a pair of shoes for tai chi, repaired my winter coat, and sewed a special button on a pair of pants I bought yesterday; a perfect fit. I do not like metal on my jeans, and this is one of my favorite (and made in USA) garment companies, so I am thoroughly pleased.
My dear friend -who has such good taste- left her winter velvet here when she moved permanently to warmer climes, saying she thought it would do well on me… as usual in this regard she is right. (In contrast, I have to try on 20-30 garments to find one or two that please me, style/cut/fit/color- although I know immediately if I like the fabric at lightest touch.)
As usual ran into a yoga student while shopping… seems there is hardly anywhere I can go without doing this, so it is scary that today my mate sent me to a corporate store I never voluntarily set foot in. Saw no familiar faces today… but so many people smiled at me, a light but genuine smile -I was not smiling- I wonder what they saw; people who were simply wandering about, who had had a stressful day, who were in a hurry but for some reason saw something in me to cause them to pause and smile into my eyes… At the time I was in deep thought, so it was doubly surprising to see so many willing to greet me.
My aunt has joined the red hatters; she found a purple dress at last. Life is good.
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” -Will Rogers
daily life,