Feb 06, 2009 13:02
Connichiwa minna san ..so my first post here.. I can' t believe I'm really writing *she is overly excited*.
Weeks ago Aly san (a friend) and I had a very (very) stupid j. rock trip and I decided to share u_u (I’m sorry for you -______- ).
It's snowing pretty hard since Christmas and it's very cold here (*yeah yeah blame the cold, as if you 2 wouldn't be so baka even with the sun shining brightly -_________________-) so we came out with this:
Aly san’s first sms:
"Ru-chu and Rei want to be in your 3 floor cake together (Ruki has his pikachu costume on *o*), Uru is drunk: he drank all the alcohol I wanted to broach for your "yoopan" >_<'' but he is too hot, I can't get mad at him XD and we all have our sunglasses on, so we won't get blind cause of Kai's all-melting smile u_u Aoi is greeting you screaming "ANGERINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" X'D"
My reply:
"*She's drying her tears X'D* I'M COMING *O* ..say to that bitch to stop drinking or I'll beat the crap out of him >_< . Shove Ru-chu into Rei's arms and take a photo shouting "YAOI". Leader sama's smile would be very useful here, I've never seen so much snow O_O'' ..and Ao how many times I have to say to u that my name's not Angelina, FOR MANA'S SAKE >_< "
"*She's crying X'D* you should have to see here *o* I'm out for the "hens' meal" mission >.
"..uh garden-midget san is also there *O* hurry up to take them out or they will use a week defrosting u_u Uru and Rei are throwing themselves in the snow doing snow-angel, aren't they? ..be careful when you go to the hens, there is Kyo in there, who is trying to scare them (they look at him with this face --> -___- )" Okai I swear ..while I was writing the hen thing I was listening to my mp3 player (random play list) and.. Bugaboo started o_O''
"*her abdominal are sore XD* Ryo has his horse head on and he's talking with my dog O_O Uru is making sakè crushed ice drinks XQ_ and Hitsugi was in the roost with Kyo, he tried to put a hen in his mouth but she didn't like it o_O ..now he's lapping a snow-iguana -_- Kai is taking care of the midgets u_u "
"*She's dieing because she was thinking exactly the same thing about Hitsugi* ..Lucky [her dog] and Kyo are biting the horse head (with Ryo inside yet.. you can see a blood stream).. now that Kai save the midgets he's helping Ru-chu doing a snow man for his Rei, but they haven't a nose strip so Uru and Yomi dressed Miya up like a penguin in order to distract Ao and stole his scarf"
This is just an example of our sick mind U_U ..maybe I'll post our other "trip" if you guys are interested *she has no shame*.
Ja ne ^0^9
PS: Ru-chu = cute form of Ru chan U_U ..'cause we are silly like that U_U
the gazette,