[fic] Of Koron’s terrible fangs and answering machines - Ruki/Reita - oneshot

Sep 05, 2011 00:32

Title: Of Koron’s terrible fangs and answering machines.
Chapters: oneshot.
Author:  limaccia_san
Genre: humour, crack, fluff.
Warnings: pretty pointless xD
Rating: pg-13
Band: the GazettE.
Pairing: Ruki/Reita
Disclaimer: don't own them nor an answering machine D:
Synopsis: “Koron glared at it again, showing his little white teeth to make his
point and moved his paws a bit just to take his supah threatening pose”
Summary: Reita decide to confess his feelings for Ruki but Koron gets in the way.. somehow..
Comments: at the end.

“Hey, what the hell!! Watch your way, you noseless jerk” yelled Ruki at the blonde bassist’s back who just bumped roughly into him on his way out.. on purpose.

Reita just kept walking toward the door.

“What’s wrong with him?” asked Uruha, pointing toward the door Reita just walked trough.

“Hell if I know!! He’s being acting this strange since last week” replied Ruki angrily.

“Have you done something to him?” Aoi inquired as he rolled one of his wire up.

“Why does it have to be my fault?” snapped Ruki in frustration.

“Cause he’s nice with us..” shrugged Aoi, before adding: “well, as nice as Rei can be” he smirked in the other two band mates’ direction.

“Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about, I didn’t do anything!!” Ruki almost yelled “We spent the night together last Friday, we had fun and he seemed happy and then on Monday he was all pmsing”

The other three exchanged a glace.

“Ruki, I think you’d talk to him” said Kai cautiously.

Ruki frowned: “What? No way, I don’t want to get a punch in the face, thank you very much. I’ve received enough shoving already this week”

“But, Ruki..” Uruha tried.

“Don’t you guys have to go home?” Ruki interrupted him angrily.

Uruha was about to say something more but Kai stopped him and Aoi replied: “We’re going then, see you tomorrow”

Ruki waved at them and, as soon as the door closed behind the others’ backs he collapsed on the couch.


Reita just got to his apartment, he toed off his shoes and walked toward his couch. He sat down and run his fingers through his blonde locks, sighing deeply.

< What the hell am I doing?! I can’t blame him for not loving me back, I can’t keep being this mean to him, it’s unfair and it’d just push him away and.. I can’t.. without Taka.. maybe I’d apologize and forget all this story >

He took his phone from his pocket and spent some moments to stare at the display, trying to gain the necessary courage.


Days ago - Saturday morning
“Call me tonight, ne? We can hang out again if you don’t have other plans” said Ruki leaning against the doorframe of his apartment.

“Sure, I’ll say to my 8 groupies that our orgy is deleted” Reita sighed.

Ruki gasped: “Whaaat???? Why didn’t you invite me?” he pouted.

The bassist snorted: “Oh, come on, you’re so little, we’re going to loose you between all those legs and boobs” he said with a mischievous grin.

Ruki raised an eyebrow, amused: “You’re just envious that a certain part of my body doesn’t fit my height at all”

“And that’d be the nose, right? I’ve always thought it looked bigger than the rest of your face” Reita nodded to himself and finally laughed when a punch was delivered right on his chest. “Ok, ok I got it, next time I’ll invite you, happy?” he help up his hands in defeat.

Ruki’s pout turned into a smirk: “Very”

They both chuckled.

“Ok, I’ve to go now, I’ll call you later” said the bassist.

Ruki nodded with a smile: “Deal”

He stepped toward his friend to hug him tightly. Reita happily returned the gesture, squeezing the little warm body for few seconds before they parted.

Later that evening Reita was pacing around his living room, trying to take a decision.
He wanted to tell Ruki so badly now, he’d not take it anymore. He didn’t quite caught where this sudden weave of braveness came from, but he felt like it was his good chance.
He finally took his phone and dialled Ruki’s number. He waited several seconds, getting impatient at every ring. At least he disappointedly heard the piercing sound of the answering machine starting and a mechanic voice say that he’d leave a message after the acoustic signal. He took a deep breath:

“Hey Ru, it’s me, I.. I-I’ve something important to talk about with you. I feel like I’m going to explode if I don’t get this out but I’d like to talk directly with you rather than your answering machine” he scratched the back of him head, thinking about what to say “So why don’t you come to my place tonight? Hum about 9? Ok, hope to see you later Taka, I love you”

He ended the call, proudly grinning to himself.. but then, he realized.. his eyes got wide and his face white like a sheet. Totally stricken with panic he collapsed on the couch and, well.. he just sat there, staring at the wall in front of him.

< Could I be more stupid than this? “I love you” what the hell is wrong with me?! I’m sooooo screwed! >


Same time - Ruki’s apartment

The noise of the water running from the shower was filling the house.

Koron was comfortably napping on the couch, patiently waiting for his master to finish his shower and then finally bring him out for his deserved walk.
The loud sound of the answering machine getting into function rudely woke him up and, while a nervous but familiar voice spoke his message, Koron turned his little head toward the device, his dark eyes suddenly sparkling in excitement as he caught a glimpse of something that’d definitely spice his waiting up.

He hopped down from the couch and waddled to the coffee table, where the device was settled, and, easily hopping on it, he launched himself on the loved items.
He nuzzled with his wet nose his supah favourite squeeze toy (a gift from his beloved owner) and reached the edge of the table to jump down, stopping a moment expressly to glare at the stupid answering machine that got in his way, almost making him trip.
He stepped on the cheeky thing and glared at it again.

“Are you sure you want to delete the message?” the vicious thing said.

Koron glared at it again, showing his little white teeth to make his point and moved his paws a bit just to take his supah threatening pose.

“Message deleted” the voice said quietly and Koron scratched the black plastic a bit before walking away, satisfied with his scaring treatment, his play mate squeezed in his dreadful fangs.

Ruki sat on his couch at home.
Koron was in his lap, licking his master’s fingers in sympathy. He was worried for him, since he got home he did nothing but drag himself around, stare out of the window and sigh.

It rained pretty hard all day, the sky was all grey and gloomy and the little singer smiled bitterly at the weather: it mirrored perfectly how he was feeling at the moment.
He had spent the whole afternoon sulking because of that stupid blonde head. Maybe the others were right, he indeed did something that had pissed him off. But as much as he racked his brain he’d not get his hands on it.
He growled in frustration and ruffled his hair. He had to do something, stay there and torture himself wouldn’t solve anything.
He smiled at Koron who was looking at him with his big eyes and chuckled:

“Don’t look at me that way, you” he said, petting his head “I’m just a bit upset because of that stupid blondie”

And Ruki realized how mendacious his words sounded.. it was far more that “a bit upset”. He was sad, lonely and missed that stupid blondie terribly and he hated himself for that: he wanted to be angry at the other, ignore him and his incomprehensible behaviour. He didn’t want to admit, even to himself, how much Reita’s missing care for him affected his mood in a definitely bad way.

“Come on, let’s go out for a walk baby, I’m sick of thinking”

He stood up and gathered his things before walking out the door, his little Koron following happily.

Long moment passed and Reita was still sitting there, staring at his phone, waiting for his brain to produce something, without results though.

< Fuck the message, I’ll just go to him and get this clear! >

But when he found himself in front of Ruki’s apartment blocks he’d not do it. Insecurities and doubts filled his mind and he walked away, without even noticing where his feet were bringing him until he found a bench where he’d curl and sulk about his misery.


Ruki walked slowly to a small park close to his apartment block, hugging his jacket tightly around his small form against the cold wind of the evening.
Luckily the rain stopped, leaving behind just the nice smell of wet soil.

Ruki took a deep breath, calming down a bit. He walked toward his favourite spot, a bench right under a huge cherry tree, almost skeletal at that time of the year, lacking the beautiful pink flowers.
He huffed in annoyance seeing that it was already occupied and was about to pull Koron’s leash to change direction but when the person shifted from his curled position on the bench he recognized Reita’s face.

He almost rolled at eyes at the loud thump his heart gave when he recognised the person he wanted to see the most right now. He didn’t even know how to feel, seeing the other’s squatted position the anger melted, immediately replaced by worry. He just wanted to go there to talk to him, to sort things out.
He crouched down and stroked Koron’s head before unleashing his collar. The pet licked his hand and then run away happily, chasing something in the grass.

Ruki took a deep breath and quietly made his way toward his bassist. He sat down looking for a moment at the back of that blonde head, Reita’s face buried in his arms that were hugging his bent legs. He suppressed the urge to hug the other’s bent form and shifting his gaze toward the darkening sky:

“Hey” he said quietly.

Reita’s head snapped up in surprise, he didn’t really have to look at the other to recognize his voice but he was so taken aback that he needed to check with his own eyes.

“Hey” he whispered back.

Ruki looked in his eyes for a moment before turning away again and Reita followed his gaze to see the first stars beginning to sparkle.

“Akira.. what’s wrong with you lately?” Ruki asked quietly.

Reita sighed and shook his head: “Nothing is wrong Taka.. I..”

“Don’t lie to me” the other interrupted, his voice soft.

Reita looked at him again for a second. Yeah, that was the moment:

“I’m in love with you and you’re not, this is what’s wrong” he was strangely calm as he spoke and when too much silence followed and Reita turned toward him to see his reaction Ruki’s eyes were wide.

“Oh come on, don’t give me that surprised look, it’s not like you didn’t know it” he huffed.

“How could I know if you’ve never told me that??” replied Ruki indignantly.

Reita made a face: “I did!! I left that stupid message on your stupid answering machine and I accidentally said “I love you”! I called because I wanted to meet you and confess properly, but you never came nor called me back and that’s a good enough answer for me”

Ruki was even more confused now: “Akira.. what the hell are you talking about?”

Reita looked at him and began to feel very stupid: Ruki’s surprise seemed genuine: “You.. you didn’t hear the message, did you?”

“What message?” asked patiently the other.

“The one.. I left..”

“Akira I’ve checked my answering machine when I came back home today and it was empty”

“It’s impossible, I know I.. I said.. You didn’t.. oh” and then something clicked in his brain.

Ruki raised an eyebrow.

Reita’s face was on fire: “I.. well, I.. how could I know that your answering machine is fucked up??” he said, almost angrily.

Ruki smiled at the cuteness and scooted closer to the other, tilting his face in order to look at him: “You really love me, don’t you?”

Reita averted his eyes for a second, but this was his chance, he’d not waste it and Ruki haven’t jumped away in disgust yet, so:

“I do, so very much” he whispered.

The next sound coming of his mouth was a loud squeal as he found his head in Ruki’s arms, hugged to his small chest:

“Naaw Aki, I love you too” he admitted cheerfully as he nuzzled the other’s blonde hair.

“You what?” asked Reita, untangling himself from the enthusiastic hug.

“Why so surprised?” retorted Ruki, tilting his head cutely.

Reita blushed a bit and Ruki just smiled at him opening his arms:

“Come here, you” he ordered softly.

The bassist turned around and leaned his back against Ruki’s chest, sitting between his spread legs, he closed his eyes as the other’s arms enwrapped him in a warm hug. Nothing have ever felt better.

“I noticed your feelings for me long ago, you silly. I was waiting for you to confess but I tried to make it easy on you”

Reita found it difficult to concentrate on the vocalist’s words with his breath stroking oh so sweetly his ear, but he managed somehow to make the gears of his brain working.. now that he thought about it, it was true. Something between them changed on the way and Ruki was always more affectionate and caring with him than anyone else. He just treated him differently.

Reita groaned and every pieces fit into place and Ruki laughed:

“Took you long enough”

“I’m sorry” chuckled Reita “It’s just that I’d never even hope that it’d be this easy, you know, and you were seeing that girl months ago..”

“Ayane? Oh come on, she was just a goose! You’d thank her though, cause I realized that you’re the right one while I was about to kiss her. You randomly popped into my mind and suddenly it was you I wanted to kiss.. and then few weeks later we had the PV recording and you were there, walking around with that white shirt, those black pants and your cute smile and I was practically drooling over you”

Reita burst out laughing: “You’re so lying”

“I’m not! You’d have been in my head in that moment.. the things I wanted to do to you..” Ruki whispered suggestively right on his ear, his lips stroking the sensitive skin.

Reita shivered, immediately feeling hot all over: “Ok, ok, I believe you”

Ruki smirked: “You sure? Cause I’d describe you with vivid particulars the spots on your body I imagined to trace with my tongue..”

Reita shut him up with a hand over his mouth: “Stop teasing me” he almost growled.

Ruki laughed: “Ok, I don’t want my pretty boyfriend to get mad at me already” he said behind Reita’s hand.

The bassist softened immediately at the new title and with a smile stretching his lips, he moved the hand over Ruki’s mouth to cup his cheek. With evil satisfaction he noticed how the skin under his palm warmed up and reddened slightly at the contact but all thoughts were forgotten when their eyes met.

“I love you Aki” whispered Ruki, kissing his forehead.

Reita hummed in appreciation warming Ruki’s heart with his peaceful expression. The vocalist caught his attention again when he gently grabbed his chin and tilted his head enough for their lips to touch. They both sighed into the sweet kiss, its tenderness overwhelming their minds.
Ruki’d not take it anymore, he opened his mouth, ready to deepen the kiss but as his tongue was about to touch the other’s lips..


They jumped slightly in fright and turned their heads toward the noise, only to discover Koron wagging happily at them:

“Aw my adorable pest is here” he chirped, patting Reita’s leg to make Koron jump on the bench.

And the little dog did just that, stepping over Reita’s stomach, still in the other’s hold, to reach his owner, much to the bassist’s annoyance:

“I kinda hate this flea” said Reita as Koron sniffed him and then curled up on his lap, but he actually petted his head gently.

"No, you don't" Ruki chuckled in his ear “Do you mind if we stay for a bit more?” he asked, putting his chin on Reita’s shoulder “It’s so peaceful here”

“As long as you promise to give me that kiss I’ll do whatever you want” he replied, turning his head a bit to kiss his cheek.

Ruki smirked: “I promise I’ll do a lot more than that” he tightened his grip around the other’s chest and sighed deeply, enjoying his lover's warmth.
He smiled widely when Reita kissed the back of his hand, positioning it again on his belly. "Akira.." Ruki simply let the other's name fall from his lips.
They squeezed each other even closer, enjoying the moment.. the light breeze, the dark sky dotted of tiny sparkling stars, the warmth of each other bodies, even the presence of the loved puppy.. everything was perfect.

Notes ♪:
Pretty pointless story, isn't it? xD Well I liked the idea of Koron's fight with the answering machine and, yeah, hope you enjoyed reading it!

rukixreita, j.rock, oneshot, fic

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