[fic] Sex pet - Ruki/Reita - 5/?

Jul 11, 2011 00:21

Title: Sex pet
Chapters: 5/?
Author: limaccia_san
Genre: fluff, smut, drama?, humour, romance.
Warnings: Manxman sex
Rating: NC - 17
Band: the GazettE
Pairing: Ruki/Reita
Disclaimer: I don’t own any kitty..
Synopsis: “Ruki sama’d make a perfect kitty”
Summary: A very particular pet shop where someone’ll find someone special. Purr!
Comments: at the bottom

“Good morning Takeshima” a happy Ruki chirped as he stepped out of the elevator, Reita following him closely.

“Oh, Mastumoto, morning to you” replied casually the other, before averting his eyes from the paper he was sorting out and spotting the blonde stranger “..aaand this is..?”

“Reita for you.” Said his boss absentmindly, quickly checking the daily mail. “Be nice with him!” he added with a serious glance.

“Ooook, someone is strange today..” muttered Uruha, making a face at Ruki’s back as he walked inside his personal office, before turning his attention to the newcomer “Reita! Hey! I’m Takashima. Kouyou. But you can call me Uruha”

“Nice to meet you” Reita said, bowing politely.

“Same here. I’m Ruki’s err.. well, I work for him” Uruha said, scratching his head, clearly embarrassed.

“Huh?” Reita tilted his head in confusion.

“He’s my slave” came an amused yell from the other room.

“HEY! That sounds kinky” shuddered Uruha ”I’m his secretary, just I hate to say it this way, it sounds so feminine and.. equivocal”

Ruki snorted loudly: “Yeah, as if those long hair and make up wouldn’t be enough”

“I hate him” whined Uruha, hitting his head on the desk “anyway.. I do all the office stuff.. well, not all of them, there is another guy working here, but of course the bitch isn’t arrived yet. You’ll meet him later.”

Reita nodded.

“So, how do you know Ruki?” asked curiously the blonde.

“I’m his pet” Reita replied simply.

Uruha’s jaw dropped and he was obviously about to ask something but Ruki interrupted him again:

“Hey, if you two princesses have done chatting here, I think there’s a new collection that needs to be drawn and you need to do your secretary stuff, right?”

“Don’t..” growled Uruha, just to be interrupted again, too busy hating Ruki to remember what he just heard from Reita.

“Where is Byou?” asked his boss, taking a look at the empty desk.

“Why should I know?” replied the other, grumpily.

“Remind me why I haven’t kicked him out already?” asked Ruki with a frown.

“Cause he’s damn good at convincing those high-hats at buying your stuff?”

“Hey! Those high-hats buy my stuff cause it’s awesome” pouted Ruki.

“Sure, sure” Uruha rolled his eyes “..but you know what I meant, so stop being a drama queen and go to.. work.. or whatever it is that you do in that office of yours..” Uruha shooed him, going back to his papers.

Ruki gasped and glared at the other but took his pet’s paw and stumped in his office, slamming the door closed: “I swear I was feared and respected once” he sulked, flopping dramatically on his comfortable chair.

Reita laughed at his pitiful master and sat on the floor, at his master’s feet: “Uruha san seems nice!”

“Yup, he really helps me a lot, I’m terrible with all that marketing and financial stuff. If it wasn’t for those two I’d have never reached this point” he smiled down at his pet.. wait.. down?! “Hey what do you think you’re doing there on the floor?! There is an armchair and even a couch if you don’t want to get a chair”

Reita took a look around the room for the first time.. it was huge and very well furnished. It wasn’t as modern and minimal as his master’s home but he liked it, it had Ruki’s taste all over it.
He turned again to look at his master, who was watching him with an amused smile, and blushed.
Ruki chuckled and then patted his thigh:

“Come on, jump”

It took Reita a second to understand what his master wanted, but then he happily climbed in his lap. He made himself comfortable as Ruki wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer:

“So, do you like my office?”

“Yup, it suits Ruki sama” nodded the kitty.

Ruki chuckled, kissing his pet’s cheek.

“But..” Reita added shyly “..will Ruki sama show me his drawings for real?”

Ruki couldn’t help a smile: “Sure, a promise it’s a promise! But I’ve a condition..”

Reita tilted his head in surprise: “Huh?”

Ruki grinned dorkily: “I want a kiss from my super cute kitty first!”

Reita blushed a bit under his noseband but smiled. He cupped his master’s face and leaned closer, gently brushing their lips together. Ruki unconsciously sighed at the contact and closed his eyes, one arm tightening around the other’s waist as the other snuggled up his back to fondle his hair. He pulled gently to tilt the other’s head and kiss him deeply. Their tongues brushed together almost accidently and the fire spread in their bodies making them both moan and pull each other close for more contact.

Reita felt his face burning as his master sucked and playfully bite at his tongue and he enjoyed the sweet treatment so much that he kissed him back with genuine affection.
He was happily licking the other’s plush bottom lip when Ruki pulled back:

“Ok, ok, break!” he chuckled.

Reita felt a little sting of hurt, wondering what he did wrong, but Ruki kissed his cheek reassuringly:

“You know, you’re getting me all worked up here and I tent to have difficulties to concentrate on my work with an hard on”

Reita smirked and gave a last peck to his master lips before hopping down from his lap and pawing to the couch. He curled there and looked his master smiling at him before getting to work. Reita looked at him with half lidded eyes, the warm sunrays seeping through the big windows warming him, making him feel good.. or maybe it wasn’t the sun..




“I’m sick of seeing you in my office like that”

“W-wha.. I-I’m s-sorry Ruki sama, I won’t stay if.. if you d-don’t want me there”

“Huh? Nope, you silly” he chuckled, plopping on the bed, next to a mortified Reita “I mean that I’d find you something to do, I can’t stand seeing you all bored all day along, I feel guilty” he leaned to peck his cheek

“Ruki sama, I’m sorry but I’m not sure I got what you want to say” he said, a bit perplexed.

“Well, tell me honestly, are you happy lazing around all day?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Reita mumbled: “I don’t want to cause any troubles to..”

“Hey.. tell me.. honestly” Ruki interrupted him.

The kitty bit his lip, thinking about hoe he’d say it: “I.. I.. if I’d do something useful for Ruki sama I’d be much more happy”

“Aaah! Deal!! I’ll talk with Uruha, probably he’d use some help.. aaaand you’ll be my personal assistant also, of course” he added with a wink and a mischievous tone.

Reita was still perplexed, even if the idea excited him a lot. He really wanted to be useful for his dear master: “But, Ruki sama I’ve never worked before, I don’t want to make mistakes”

“Naah, don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll make it, Uruha will tell you what to do, beside if he can I’m sure there won’t be any difficulties for you”

Reita giggled imagining the glare Uruha’d gave to his boss if he heard what the other just said.
He smiled to himself, looking at his master as he got comfortable under the covers next to him, stretching his back and yawning.

“Ruki sama looks tired” murmured Reita brushing blonde locks away from his face.

Ruki hummed peacefully and rolled over, lying on the other’s body who immediately wounded his arms around him, affectionately stroking his head:

“Hey I’m the one who’d cuddle and pet you” he said sleepily.

Reita chuckled: “Ruki sama’d make a perfect kitty”

“Oi! That was so disrespectful” laughed Ruki.

“I’m sorry” he apologized with a smile “I really like to cuddle Ruki sama though, I’m glad he lets me”

Ruki looked up though his messy fringe and with a smile he stretched his neck a bit to kiss those pretty lips sweetly. He turned off the bedside lamp and lied down again on the other’s, nuzzling his neck as Reita kissed his temple and hugged him.

A moan. Another.. and then another one.
Ruki’d heard his voice moaning but it was like he wasn’t doing it, he was sleeping, wasn’t he? But the pleasure he was feeling seemed very concrete.. beside, if it was a dream he definitely didn’t want to wake up, so he kept his eyes squeezed shut.

He felt nicely hot and hot was the body in his arms.. hot and soft.. and it had a nice smell. Ruki tightened his grip on the other’s waist and rocked his hips again.. and when the body in front of him mumbled a pleasured noise, his sleepy brain finally realized and his eyes slowly fluttered open, a smirk stretching his lips.

It took him a bit but reality eventually hit him: he was in his bed, hugging his beautiful pet whose ass was currently pressed against his crotch in a rather delicious way.

All the sleepiness disappeared in a second.
He discretely made sure that Reita was still sleeping and with a devious smile he sneaked and hand under the other’s t-shirt, stroking his belly lightly. Hearing a sigh he plunged his face in the other’s neck, kissing and nipping teasingly the skin, hand stroking up, lightly pinching a nipple.

With a smirk he basked in the other’s body reactions.
As he kept placing wet kisses on his neck he let his hand roam lower on his body, from his nipple, to his abdomen, playfully grazing his navel. Reita’s body jerked lightly, brushing his bottom against Ruki’s crotch again, making him hiss in pleasure.

Not caring anymore to wake the other up he slipped his hand in his kitty’s boxer, taking a firm hold of his dick, and began to pump it slowly, grinding his hips against him at the same time.
Few strokes later Reita awakened from his slumber with a loud moan, making Ruki chuckle, even more pleased.
It took him few seconds too to realize what was happening and the hand running on his cock wasn’t helping at all. Damn it felt so hot.. he’d distinctly feel his master’s hard cock against his ass and his lips placing arousing kisses on his neck. He stayed still, enjoying all the powerful sensations running through his body.
When Ruki’s fingertip pressed against his tip he’d not bit back a moan:

“R-Ruki samaa”

He grinded against his master’s clothed erection, his brain suggesting him all the most perverted things.

Same thoughts were running along Ruki’s mind that groaned in satisfaction as his kitty gave into his movements, it definitely wasn’t enough though.
With a frustrated growl he pulled Reita’s underwear down, freeing his dick and, sitting up a bit, he reached it with his mouth, taking it all in.
As Reita moaned loudly he smirked, oh so pleased to hear his pet’s voice. Swirling his tongue around the throbbing flesh he struggled to pull his boxer down too, touching himself without the annoying fabric in the way now.
He sucked one last time, before lying down again, his chest pressed against a panting Reita’s back once more. Ruki lose no time in thrusting his hips against Reita’s bare ass, making them both cry in pleasure. The feeling of soft flesh against his hard, hot one was so delicious..

Taking a hold again of the other’s cock Ruki stroked it again and again, totally enjoying the position.
But, even thought it did feel awesome, it wasn’t enough.

Ruki brought his hand to Reita’s lips:

“Open up” he asked; licking his ear.

The kitty moaned and happily took three fingers inside his mouth, sucking eagerly, tasting himself on the other’s skin.

Ruki chuckled: “If I wasn’t so horny and it’d not make me cum in a second I’d so make you suck my dick” he breathed against his neck, thrusting harder his hips: “but I just want to fuck you now”

Reita felt his cock twitch. His lust filled brain registered the fact that he wasn’t scared at all about what was about to happen. He wanted it, he wanted his master. Very badly.
Reita realised the other’s fingers and with a moan he guided the other’s wrist at his entrance, pushing them inside of him.

Ruki was surprised but not as much as he was when his pet used the other hand to grab his cock and stroke it fast. It worked like a catalyst, the reaction was immediate.
After a quick preparation he took Reita’s leg, stretching it high, pushing his tail aside and with a little help from his horny pet he managed to slip inside his tight entrance for the first time.
He cursed loudly, squeezing his eyes, concentrating not to come then and there.
It felt damn good.

Reita wasn’t helping him with his clenching muscles and his pleasured whimpers.
Of all the masters he had Ruki wasn’t the most endowed (even if he was very well equipped), but sex had never felt so fucking good. He’d come just with the feeling of being filled by the other, his hot, short breath on his neck and his body pressed against his own.

He run his fingers along the arm that was circling his waist and, reaching Ruki’s hand, he entwined their fingers.

Ruki smiled a bit and placed a kiss under his ear. It was so nice to feel his kitty affection even in this situation, it made it all more special somehow. The need was still very present though:

“Rei, may I move? I can’t hold back anymore”

Reita nodded and pushed his hips back to make his point.

Ruki began with few tentative thrusts, still holding Reita’s leg perpendicular to their bodies, but it still wasn’t enough. He immediately sped up with deep and fast thrusts, that made them both cry out again.
It felt so good.. all the sensations, they were driving them both crazy.

Still not satisfied Ruki pushed Reita so he was laying on his stomach with a growl, he straddled his thighs and resumed his thrusting, moaning as he’d go deeper now.
Reita mewled uncontrollably now, his erection trapped under their bodies brushed the sheets, making him see stars. He turned his head , trying to look over his shoulder at his master. He’d see his chest and how he threw his head back in pleasure.
A new wave of arousal crushed him, making him moan even louder and clench his muscle.

Ruki’s moans made him happy, it felt good to know that it was the cause of all his pleasure.
But he’d not think about it anymore as Ruki lied on his body and began to thrust wildly, fast and so deep. His grunts directly in his ear, his sweaty body, his scent.. all his senses were attacked.

Ruki felt almost dizzy because of all the pleasure running along his nerves, the sight of Reita’s white back and his half lidded dark eyes turned him on unexpectedly, making him lose his mind. Now that he was closer he tried to kiss the other’s lips, even if the position wasn’t helping, he managed to touch the other’s tongue with his own but the contact was soon broken as Reita cried out his name loudly, coming on the sheets.
Feeling his pet’s back arching under him and his muscles clenching madly against his member Ruki finally came too, hard inside the other’s body. His hips jerked a few times as he rode out his orgasm, moaning as the pleasure invaded his body.

It took them both several moments to breath normally again, master and pet spent but definitely satisfied with their first time.
Ruki sighed and placed a kiss on the other’s shoulder before pulling out of his body and reluctantly getting off the other’s body. His pet stopped him though:

“Ruki sama, stay, please”

“Won’t I crush you?” he asked, concerned.

“Its ok, Ruki sama isn’t heavy at all”

Reita smiled cutely at him and Ruki’d not resist, lying again on his pet’s back. They snuggled and found a comfortable positing before Ruki lavished the other’s shoulder and neck with kisses once more. Smiling as he heard Reita purr he asked:

“Did I hurt you?”

Reita smiled and shook his head, too sleepy and comfortable to say anything.
Ruki simply didn’t stop the happy expression that took place all over his face and kissed his pet goodnight before entwining their fingers and let sleep claim him.

Notes ♪ :
Baaad bad written, I’m sorry. It’s just that a wrote it bit by bit and.. blah.
Office smut is coming soon! Purr!

rukixreita, chaptered: sex pet, multichap, the gazette, fic

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