Under the cut you'll find a letter from Mercedes to Sam. It's what I imagine is going on with her in California. Excuse the lameness as the muse has seem to run away from me LOL
Hi there! I promised you I would write as soon as I could. Sorry it’s not in the promised email. Still trying to get things together and get on-line. California is CRAZY! A bit of a culture shock compared to Ohio, but I still love it here.
My roommate is originally from Miami… she reminds me a bit of Santana, but without the “Lima Height Adjacent” attitude. She’s got great style too. Love throwing ideas at her, she’s really good at catching things I would have missed.
I met with Mr. Jameson the other day. He seemed alright, but wasn’t very encouraging about the video. His assistant on the other hand couldn’t believe it. But I still wonder if I should have stayed in Lima.
I miss you everyone. How are things at McKinley? Have you found the newest Rachel yet or is Tina trying to take over? You’re not letting everyone walk over you have you? That’s the one thing about you Sam… You’re too nice. It’s your senior year! Live it up, let them know who you are!
Has Shue given you guys the cheesy songs yet? Don’t get me wrong, I love Shue, but MAN! Some of his selections may have been cool back in his day… but not so much for us hahaha.
Oh! I got a job at a restaurant downtown. Apparently a lot of A List celebs come in for dinner or to “heat up the press”. My co-workers are great, most of them wanting to be in the movies. But I could do without the damn press there. I kid you not, it’s like TMZ parks out there and just waits for the next Lindsey Lohan or that Rob Pattinson guy!
I haven’t been to the beach yet, I know I know… I promised. It just doesn’t seem like a good time. Maybe when you come out to visit? I mean, when you can.
I gotta go, time for me to get ready for work.
Kisses You're it!