Collage and makeup

Sep 21, 2014 14:16


So I promised myself to update when I went to that meeting I mentioned last time for my new school, but I forgot and then I started at the education so I´m CONSTANTLY tired. I have to tellyou - going from 14 hours a week for the last 10 yearsor so to a now 20-30 hours a week is soooo hard. I´m so tired all the time and I can´t even get myself together to go see my friends because of it. And to make everything better, my new contacts are making my eyes a little more irritated because I had to change the leftside to correct for a astigmatism so that´s justgreat.

On a brighter note, I have started on the this new education as I already stated and it´s very good. I´m very interested in anatomy,physicology, genetics and so on so this particual educations is as made for me. As a bioanalyst I get to have a little patientcare but I don´t have to sit anyone down and tell them thatthey´re dying to comfort the family of a dying person which was my biggst issue with the profession I originally had chosen, as a M.D, but I still get to care for people which was what I wanted.

I have been at school for three-four weeks now and this thursday I go to my first clinical internship at biochemistry which is awesome. I get to poke people with needles and stuff. I´m so looking forward to getting to see what bioanalyst do in real life and see what processes is done at the lab. We´re out at the lab for three and a half weeks and then we have our first exam which is a assignment that our clinical instructors give us. A little scary but´s it´s just a passed or failed test which is good for my need to get the perfect score.

two weeks ago we had or first sortof test which we had to pass in two try´s or we would get kicked out of the school in ethics. We had to take a multiple choises test where we had to answer some questions about confidentiality and fourtunally I passed the first time.

I just applied for SU which is an amount of money we here in Denmark get as a students so I´m kind of worried about getting it for this next month because of the time it takes to process the case for the state, but I guess I shouldn´t complain as so many other places dosent have this service. I have to apply for a special amount because I can´t work at the same time which is something students are meant to do because of all my problems, but unfourtually I have to get a ton of paperworks before I can apply. A statement from my doctor and my psychiatrist and from whatever else I have and it takes forever to get them. And then it can take up to six months before the state has processed it all and I get the extra money so I have asked my parents to help me in the meantime.

Oh and just a shoutout to my awesome father who came to say hi this week and gave me a brand new tv because my old one had died. THANK YOU DAD:)

So a downside to this education is something very superficial - I had to clip my nails which have been long for years and years now because of the danger of carrying a lot of germs underneath the nails. We, as bioanalysts, aren´t allowed to wear long nails, nailpolished, rings, bracelets or wristwatches. The last one is very hard for me because I feel naked without it. We can´t have our hair loose in the lab which is understandable so I have to get it up and away from my face. We can´t wear necklaces unless they can´t get past our chin if me pull it.
I´m so going to miss nailpolishes. I love them and have sererval which I now can´t wear at work. Sigh. And no watch unless we find one to hang on our cloths, and no bracelets.

But I guess it´s a small sacrifices for the chance to help people.

So before I end this rants I have a question to those of you who read this - Does anyone have a good concealer to recommend me? I need a new one and the two I have had didn´t work as well as I wanted them to. So if you have an idea for a good concealer leave me a comment.

That´s it for now - TTFN

school, concealer, su, life as a bioanalyst

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