Me Stealy from bruce

Mar 10, 2005 21:31

1. Name: Taylor "Tay Tay" Cope


2. Middle Eastern Country: Qatar

3. fish: Catfish
4. CD: Fome is Dame
5. article of clothing: My Red Berlin Steel hat, and my Berlin Steel Shirt.
Random questions

6. Largest amount of money you have ever found:$20

7. Something cool that happened to you: We beat teh mooseheads

8. If you could be anyone for a day who would it be? Jim "The Boss" Bosse, cus he is teh boss

9. Favorite president: Clinton. He never inhaled

10. Funniest thing thats ever happened to you? i don't know.

11.Dream Job: Host of some awesome TV show on the history channel
12. If you could be one animal what would it be? A Walrus

13. Name the first classical composer that comes to mind: Amadeous

14. Whats the worst sound in the world: mrs. christensons voice

15. if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Sanibel Florida

16. what lord of the rings character best represents you? I'm totally sam
17. If your religion didnt exist what would you be? I'm te dalia Llama

18. name the first male that comes to your mind. Brett

19. Say something most people dont know about you: I hate talking infront of people, I can't take knowing people are watching me. I'm getting better at it though

20. name something you lied about in this survey. I thought of mozart first, but then Rock Me Amadeous started to play on my Itunes
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