Apr 27, 2007 09:21
Place your bets! Place your bets!
So all three of the colleges I want to go to have interest in me. I turned in everything late and yet I still look good for next year. Milwaukee was the first to actually give me exact information on what they need to finally make their descision. Then came DePaul and now Madison. If I have to choose I'm not sure I could, but it would be fun to do it. Just kidding. First choice would be DePaul then Madison then Milwaukee. Funny enough if I went to Milwaukee I would have the most fun. I would be changing my major and entering the architecture/city planning program, which I already have letters of recomendation for.
My mom really wants me to go to Milwaukee. When I was in high school I once told her I wanted to go into archeaology and she told me, "please don't. I want to have at least one son who can support himself." I realize a great many people are confused as to why I would even want to go to Milwaukee, but simply put I love the city and already have a shit ton of friends there. I would love to prove my Mr. Feltyberg who once said, "Of the people who go away for college 90% will transfer to a Milwaukee area school." Something about that just bothers me.
But yeah I will be hearing from all of the schools soon enough. I officialy withdrew from Ripon college yesterday and am just slightly freaking out, but it's ok. I have confidence now since each school has actually been getting into contact with me. And all are very interested in having me. I may just accept the first one to let me in... but that will probably be Milwaukee. So I'm probably gonna wait.