They come in all shapes and sizes. They're relentless and merciless. They can multiply faster than tribbles. They are the bane of every writer.
They are...the plot bunnies. The ideas that come along to try to draw us away from our works in progress, luring us in with their shiny coats and cute little eyes.
While they can sometimes provide assistance, many times they are the enemy of a writer. But as probably a lot of musicians have said, "know your enemy". One must know their opponent in order to know how best to defeat it, which elements it is weak against and which it absorbs. So I have provided a Codex of some of the breeds of plot bunnies I am knowledgeable about, in the hopes that it may be of some help to others who need to fight off a plot bunny at some point in their lives.
The Action Thriller Plot Bunny: Comes crashing through your window and gets right into your face about a threat to humankind/the world/
breakfast everywhere that only you can help them defeat. It then runs out of the nearby door, followed by the sound of a car revving up and speeding away.
The Dystopian Fiction Plot Bunny: This plot bunny appears before you, dressed in tattered rags and evidently malnourished. It tells you about the oppressive regime from whence it came and the individuals who suffer under it yet desire something better. In your heart, you know that the success or failure of any sort of rebellion comes down to you, pulling on you to take in this plot bunny and delve into its world.
The Epic Fantasy Plot Bunny: Arrives to the sound of trumpets and bards singing, carrying a scroll detailing a magnificent quest that you have been asked to embark on. Your reward, the quest promises you, is fame and fortune beyond your wildest dreams, plus all the
vendor trash you could dream of. So, humble peasant, will you seize this one chance to become a true hero and embark on this epic quest?
The Erotica Plot Bunny: Before you know it, this plot bunny has you in a playful caress, teasing you about how you know you want to write it. Your body and mind know what giving in to the plot bunny would lead to, though part of you doesn't just want to do it with any idea that comes along. But should you decide you're interested, you'll shut yourself in a room along with it and have a long night of passionate writing.
The Historical Fiction Plot Bunny: This gentle, grey-haired bunny will walk in with a pair of glasses and an old book. You'll probably say, "Oh, history is boring!" To which it will reply "Who are you, that do not know your history?" by telling you about all of the awesome sociopathic jerkasses in history and the cool ways that people killed each other. It'll point out all of the interesting bits of history, making you think of stories about the interesting parts in history.
The Horror Plot Bunny: The Horror Plot Bunny just screams. And screams. And does some more screaming. And screams even louder. But each time you hear the screams, you might end up asking yourself what is happening to whoever is screaming. You might wonder what might be provoking that voice to scream over and over again. And you might want to find out whether their next scream will be their last...
The Paranormal Romance Plot Bunny: It just sits there. That's all it needs to do. It seems to be sitting everywhere you go, teleporting every time you look away more egregiously than
Watson. But you can't keep yourself from looking at it, its alluring exterior...and the hunch that there's something more to this alluring plot bunny than one might expect...
The Romance Plot Bunny: This suave gentlerabbit/ladybunny will introduce itself politely, with a gentle peck on the hand, before telling you about a long list of traits that will make you swoon. It'll invite you on a date, promising a delicious dinner at the finest restaurant and a carefree night of fun. And it knows whether you want it to kiss you on the first date.
The Science Fiction Plot Bunny: Slowly materializes in front of you in a fancy uniform, introducing itself as part of some alliance or system or federation or something. It tells you about the wonderous advances in its universe, and beckons for you to join it on an adventure to encounter strange worlds, exotic beings, and hawt aliens of your preferred gender(s).
The Spy Thriller Plot Bunny: This species of plot bunny contacts you through an imaginary earpiece, telling you its plans for you to write it and offering you a deal to going traitor on any current projects of any nature to work with the plot bunny. If you refuse, it will constantly hound you, insisting that it will either make you accept its ultimatum or break you if you consist to oppose it.
The Zombie Fiction Plot Bunny: It will gnaw at your brain. Literally.
Omnomnom brains.