Originally, this Livejournal account was intended for sporkings. However, as of late, I've wanted more of a place to spill my mind, write up stuff. So in the coming days (not now, because I'm feverish and am just holding together in order to write this), I'll be retooling this Livejournal.
The changes you will see:
- First, a name change, from LilyheartsSporkings to Out(side) of my Mind.
- Posts regarding my thoughts on works of fiction, whether my own works in progress or other people's works.
- Less of a focus on sporkings. As my Modelland sporks are now being aired on
Impishidea, I will be removing them from here and having links to Impishidea. I will also be removing the Marauder Shields sporks for the time being, as I'm focusing on Modelland and think it might be better to wait until the webcomic is completed to tear it apart.
- And more that I haven't decided upon yet.
I will be working on this in the coming days (but probably not today, see above).