24, Sanctuary and other thoughts

Jan 30, 2009 11:34

Good heavens... it's been forever since I posted anything here. One would think I hadn't a thought in my head worth writing about, but that isn't so... really!

In fact, I just watched the final two episodes of "Sanctuary" for the third or maybe fourth time and am still grinning over Peter Wingfield's performance in this. Damn, that man is good! I loved the Watson character, the assurance in him and the wonderful repartee with John Druitt. Good writing there and so smoothly delivered by two quality actors. I read an interview with Amanda Tapping that sort of promised the character would return in flashbacks and I really hope that happens. It's a really good role for Peter and one that has promise of some very interesting things to do.

On the flip side, there is "24", which is a high profile show and very good for Peter's profile. But, he is/was the bad guy and whoops, there he goes... He was really good in the role and held his own just fine with Keifer. The action scenes were fun and he growled very well. Overall I thought his American accent was very good - certainly the best he's done. Alas, the line describing him as "British" certainly didn't contribute to the effectiveness of the accent. Were people looking for British rather than American? Who wrote that anyway? Still, it was great to see him in this show.

Skipping away from Peter, which isn't easy, I just went to a Burns Supper this past weekend. I am often amused by the formality of these doings as I think Robert Burns himself would be laughing at the seriousness of the event. He was not a man for too much seriousness and I think a good drink-fest would have pleased him more. Still, it was fun to see all the lads dressed in kilts. And I had my annual feed of haggis. Being one of the 50% at the table who actually likes the beastie, I had more than my share and enjoyed every bite of it. Fortunate that the chef at the hotel actually has a family recipe for the uniquely Scottish dish and it is an excellent recipe.

As to a new Methos story, it is kind of making its way slowly to the computer screen. The darn muse is just not as reliable as he used to be... or maybe I am not paying enough attention to him. And where the heck does the time go? All right, part of it is wasted playing Pathwords, which tends to annoy more than provide enjoyment. (Missed a new top score by "just that much" - fingers pinched to a slight opening a la Maxwell Smart.)

sanctuary, peter wingfield, methos, 24

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