So Bandfest was on Friday night and WOW. SO. MUCH. FUN. Our band didn't place unfortunately, but we sounded fantastic all the same. In truth, the winners really sounded terrible anyway, so no hard feelings. We all had an awesome time! Here are some of the best photos (of me, of course ahaha) from the night. But seriously. There are hundreds of photos. HUNDREDS. There are at least 1000 I know for certain aren't up yet (from a photo booth that was set up... and that I took some advantage of... hehehe).
I think the first two are from after we played, but random order really.
L to R: Kristine, Me, Anna, Leonard (keyboard), Robin (drums), Jevb (Lead guitar), Hugo, Front: Ryan (Rhythtmtmhthtm guitar), Markus (Bass).
Guy with the sombrero is Rowan (Trumpet). Despite this picture he was a really surly bastard. Like seriously, how can you be so angry all the time; you get to play a TRUMPET! AND YOUR PANTS ARE FABULOUS. Moving on.
My eyes, My shiny pretty eyes. *ooooh sparkly*
You can kind of see between the far two heads on the right: it's a sign that says "LIEFT THIS" and has arrows on it. Meant to be held at waist height. That was my sign they made for me. There were many more suggestive signs based on our names which were fantastic. They were going to throw underwear at us too, but we were sadly disappointed when they didn't. :/ hahah