[Icon] Keito: Everyday, make eye contact with me. (45 icons)

Aug 15, 2009 02:50

Hello~  This is my first time sharing icons.. Yoroshiku Onegaishimas ! ^_^ Allow me to blabber for a bit. A few weeks ago happy_chammy translated HSJ's secret card message in their 2009-2010 calendar. And the short  messages are just too sweet and heart-melting to be ignored so I got inspired to make them into icons. *Yey* It was suppose to be one BIG icon batch, with all the member's icon in one post... BUT.. since I made variation, I end up making  45 icons (at most) per member. So that would be like 400 plus icons OO-oh~ So yeah.. one post per member. I'm done with all the members but is not satisfied with the others.. Finish Hika and Keito first.. (idk why when my personal favorite are Yuri's and Kei's.. Sa.. Leave the best for last..)

On the side it was hard at first trying to fit the icons in 40Kb. I was only allowed to use 3 frames...

Ohh ad I swear Keito looks HOT in stripe;black and white to be exact!!
And it's amusing for me that Keito wants to focus on his eyes.. *giggles*

Keito: Everyday, Make eye contact with me.

Everyday, make eye contact with Keito
Look into my eyes
Meet me eye 2 eye










Thanxs to
happy_chammy for the translation. ^_^
All of Hey Say JUMP's secret card message can be found here: happy-chammy.livejournal.com/3621.html#cutid1

Hope someone would like the icons I made. I enjoyed making them.. ^_^
I put different animation so if someone prefers a different style and all.
If your going to use anything.. there's NO need to credit me..
But if you like to do so, I'm not stopping you.  how do you exactly credit an icon anyway?
I'd be happy to read comments or feedback. Please do comment ^_^
Its my first time doing this afterall.. so please be nice.
Comment if you want me to finish a certain member's icon ASAP..
Lastly I can't believe I'm not posting Yuri's icon first. *fails*  T_T

icons, okamoto keito

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