Jan 02, 2009 16:39
The Writer's Blocks have a point. With the start of a new year, the only topic of conversation is, well, the new year. Rolling the Writer's Blocks for today, yesterday, and the day before into one post, this is what my family did.
New Year's Eve, we were all on vacation (with the exception of my mom) and all helped cook hors d'oeuvres (or, as my dad calls them, hores dervees) for the party later that night. I ended up having to go to the nearby grocery store for marshmallows, and I learned never to go into a checkout line behind a little old lady buying Meow Mix. She made the bagger go check the price on it... twice. Ugh. But after that, we went to a party at the house of a family friend. There was a lot of conversation, and food, and booze (that I didn't drink, except for a small midnight toast... and I will never do again because I cannot hold my liquor very well) and a bonfire. And fireworks. All in all, it was fun. We got home at 12:30 AM, to find my half-sister and her boyfriend waiting. We were babysitting my niece. Well... turns out her boyfriend is now her fiancee. Hm. I went to bed at 1:30, but apparently they didn't leave until 3 AM.
New Year's Day, I woke up feeling like crap (I told you I can't hold my liquor), and watched the Rose Parade. After that, we went to another family friend's house for New Year's dinner. My parents and grandma left at about 6, but the family friend offered to let us stay for a few hours. We were driven home at about 11, after a day of Scene-It, food, and Cranium. Yay!
The Writer's Block for today asks if I think my activities for yesterday will account for the whole year. I say, I certainly hope so! It was a day of fun, food, family, and no worries. Well, except for the feeling like crap part. Please, dear Lord, don't let that last all year.
Oh, and my New Year's resolution is to be a better student, daughter, and girlfriend. Here's hoping I do it!