Feb 15, 2008 00:41
My kitty Mr. Binx aka Binkey (and a slew of other names) is love. So, today is his day ;)
Today has been absolutely wonderful. I have taken a very big interest in squirrels again as of late. Last night I was up until almost 2:00am reading about them. Well today I was in the lobby at work, which is almost all glass. I was just taking a break and looking outside when I saw something grey stuck to a branch of a bush blowing in the wind. I ran outside to see if it was what I thought it was. Oh my goodness it was!! When a squirrel is preparing her nest for her expected offspring, she lines her nest (drey) with her fur. I actually found the fur lining that a squirrel had laid her young on. It must have blown from an abandoned drey.
I stayed late on the site at work. It took me longer than usual to prepare the bunny's food and get it placed in the feeding areas. I walked to my car to leave some things in it so I didn't have to carry so much while leaving food for the squirrels. I always keep my eye on the bushes where one of the bunnies (I call her Min) lives when the sun is almost down, and out she came! She hopped straight toward the pine trees where two of the piles of food are. After she ate a bit, she headed toward the third pile. When she gets to that area her son (Max) can see her from his hole, so he came hopping over. I love seeing them; they come out so much less in the winter than in the warmer months.
When I got home and was changing into my comfy clothes, I found that the kitties had put lots of chocolate in my closet and dressers :) I'm suspecting that they may have had a little help from someone :P
valentine's day,