Well, You Don't See This Everyday

Feb 24, 2007 03:33

Oh for fuck's sake I'm about to blow and it takes a real act of crap to piss me off! I wish people would sit back and think about what they are doing before acting upon stupid impulses that are going to end up biting them in the ass in the end.
Some people just don't think... whole damn problem.
I don't know about other humans, but I'll take as many friends as I can get. Because you're going to find out someday that 95% of those "friends" really don't give a rat's ass about you. It sucks, but it's damn true.
I have a big problem... I give people too many damn chances. I certainly know how to cut out the bullshit and I have never been afraid to do so. But, I wait too damn long and take too much shit and I am tired of looking like an asshole because of it. I will not let ANYONE do that shit to me again!
Make up your damn mind as to whether or not you want to alienate yourself from a good person, because you are afraid of what your other's friends are going to do, think or say. I watch people write in their journals constantly about how everyone is acting like they are in kindergarten. Well, hurting someone or deciding to cut them off in some way because your other friends are doing it is childish bullshit!
When you fucking need something and no one is willing to help you out, it will be your own damn fault, because you chose to cut good people out of your life.
I am damn tired of handing out "Get Out of Jail Free" cards to people who have everything good to say to me to my face and nothing good behind my back. Go join a damn foolish clique of fake people and see where it gets you. Have a nice life. It's especially disappointing when you think someone thinks with their own head and has the balls to make their own decisions. What the fuck are you doing for fuck's sake?
I do NOT need two faced sons of bitches in my life. You can believe whatever you want about me, but I know who I am and that is ALL that matters. If you want to take in someone else's bullshit and make it your own thoughts, be my guest. You won't be the first and you certainly won't be the last. But as every higher power as my witness this WILL be your last fucking chance with me.

bitchin, bullshit

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