Dec 21, 2006 23:11
Some musings on the new Harry Potter title, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I've looked up the word hallow and it means to make holy, consecrate, but I'm thinking it ties in with Halloween. I think it has a double meaning, Halloween can also be All Saints Day, or AllHallows Day, so in the context of the title it can be translated as the 'Deathly Saints' which probably refers to the founders of Hogwarts and a valueable item they left behind, which refers to the Horcruxes. But I think it might be referring also to Halloween since that is when Harry's parents died. It would be a little dissapointing if it's just referring to the horcruxes but who knows. I've seen people connect it with Godric's Hollow but that's not the same word.
But I like the title, in that it's a mystery, and it sends a chill down my spine when I hear it. Brrr!
I'm doing good here. I've had a pretty tiring week, actually we both have. But I'm in a good mood now, what with learning the book title and I'm officially on Christmas break now, yay! I feel more in the Christmas mood too, I was missing that being so busy and all. We've been recieving many cards though, it's great! I've recieved some from my lj friends too hehe. Well I'm babbling now so I'll stop. I hope you all have a good pre-Christmas weekend! :)