Title: Getting home
Author: Lily Rose Harper
Disclaimer: Just playing, will return in 'like new' condition
Summary: Ryan and Connor make thier way home from the Middle of Nowhere, America.
AN: Written for the
primeval100 challenge trains, planes, and automobiles but got too long and i didn't want to try and make it shorter.
Ryan was angry not only did he and Connor get stuck on the wrong side of an anomaly but when they finally got out it was in a completely different country. The American soldiers were okay until he checked Connor over for injuries then gave him a little peck on the mouth. Faster then you can say Homophobia he and Connor were given enough cash to get back to England then stuffed onto a train heading to the nearest airport. The train ride was okay except for the weird looks he kept getting every time he touched Connor. Then when they got to the airport they had to travel to the nearest international airport on the tinniest, loudest airplane there and he could swear the pilot hit every turbulence pocket he could find. He had been on worse but his Connor kept throwing up the whole time.
Finally after two hours they landed at the big airport. He had trouble with customs because they didn't have visas but luckily the soldiers back in who knows where had called ahead so they finally got through. He called the Home Office while waiting at the gate so they knew they were safe and on the way home. Then they boarded the plan and were on the way to Heathrow. When they landed and found Cutter waiting for them with their car Ryan couldn't help but give him one great big kiss on the lips. Poor Cutter he looked so confused and Connor just kept giggling. Damn it was good to be home.