Title: Twenty Things I Love About Tom Ryan by Connor Temple.
Author: Lily Rose Harper.
Rating: 15
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Connor writes twenty things he loves about Ryan
AN: Feel free to add more in the comments.
Twenty things I love about Tom Ryan by Connor Temple (in no particular order):
- The way he listens to what I have to say.
- The way he smiles at me when we're alone.
- The way he always makes sure I'm safe.
- The exasperated look he gets when I do something dangerous.
- The fact that I'm the only one who knows his ticklish spots.
- The way he laughs when I tickle him.
- The way he looks in his uniform.
- The knowing look he gets when I see him in his uniform.
- The ingenious ways he uses chocolate syrup.
- The ingenious way he uses whipped cream.
- The way he kisses.
- The things he can do with his tongue.
- The fact that he can cook.
- The way he always cooks my favorite dishes.
- The fact that he knows all my favorite dishes.
- The way he always comes to my defense.
- The fact that he makes sure to tell me that he loves me at least once a day.
- The death glares he gives anyone he thinks is flirting with me.
- The possessive way he holds me after delivering the death glare.
- The little touches he gives me through out the day.