MY awesome weekend

Mar 20, 2005 11:19

Dear Xanga,

Okay, so a LOT has been up lately actually! J

To start off . . . boys suck, but I won’t get into that! Right now I am just focusing on my friends, and I love them! J

So Friday . . . I did gymnastics. OOOO fun . . . not really, I have to do the freaking balance beam, and I fell of the freaking little one, so there is no way I’ll be able to do the top one!

Best Mr. Hiliai quote ever: “you’re grade is suffering from all sorts of diseases!” LMFAO that was so funny.

In English me and Claire sat in the corner and read The Rainbow Fish! LMFAO! We did all the voices, and we learned valuable lessons about sharing! J

UM . . . well . . . what else . . . . um . . . . I don’t know . . . AH . . . um . . .

Well I have to finish my English paper. Yeah, that’s exciting right? I ate lots of food yesterday. OH YEAH!!!!!!!! I WENT TO DOM’S B-DAY PARTY!!!!! It was the . . . bomb? IDK, I never say bomb, but it was pretty awesome!

So I get there and we start playing Cranium. If you have never played cranium, you must! The people who were there were me, (duh!), Lindz, Megan, Anna, Lauren, Kim, Natalie, and Dom . . . obviously! LOL

We got a club cranium for mechanical bull, and me and linz and megan got up and we had to act it out, so lindz starts head butting me! LMFAO , then Megan goes “Lindsey ride me!” LMFAO, lindz pretends to pull out a quarter! LMFAO and they finally got it. Yeah, my team was Kim and Natalie, and we got like last place. We ate pizza, and Watched The Italian Job, which I ddin’t like very much so me and Kim sat behind the couch and played games on Natalie’s cell phone! Hehe.

Next we decided to play this game called “Murder Murder!” and if you have never played it, you HAVE TO! It’s the funniest freaking game ever! It where you draw papers and someone is the murderer, detective, and innocent bystanders, and you don’t tell who you are cdept the detectives, and then the mureder has to “Kill” someone, and they pretend to be dead, and the rest of the people make up a story about why she’s dead. Then the detective comes in and listens to the story and has to guess who murdered them. LMAO! It was great!

I was the detective a few times, but I always guessed wrong! LOL I had my fake magnifying glass and stuff. As you can see I really got into this game! LOL We were Chinese people, and instead of dying, I was “mentally disturbed” (yes I didn’t even have to act that out LOL) We were also in a dentist office. There was one where linz was old blue the horse. One time, Kim made herself cry and was the elephant in the soo who was provekd by the zoo keeper to kill the girl! LOL Then we were aliens from Toy Story and Anna was Mr. Potatoe head! LOL The last one was were Anna died, and she was a popular girl, I was the bully, and Dom was anna’s jock boyfriend! LOL Then we foiund out the anna was seacretly going out with all of us! LMAO

Then we got board so we played the game .. . . BUTT CHARDES!!!!!! So the object of the game is to spell words with your butt, and people have to guess what they are!

When I was done I yelled really loud :I JUST SPELLED CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES WITH MY BUTT!!!!!!”

Then Natalie went, wow you only get to say that once in a lifetime! LOL

It was really fun I had a good time as you can tell. Now I really need to do my biology and my English homework.

Yes, I am probably joining track, but the thing is . . . I really want to do it, but I had surgery like four years ago on my knee, and my parents say I have to quit even if it hurts a little. But I have always wanted to run really good, and I’ll do whatever it takes not to suck! J

LOVE YOU ALL~~~~~~~~~

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