well. nothing much to say about the game cept that it was CRAZY COLD. ah yes.
and my favorite ALUMNI were there! It was awesome seeing all my homeys from last year like nathan george catie caroline and jee! i love you guys. it was fun hanging out with you all at kappys. i realized how much i really miss having you guys here, but i'm really glad you guys are having a good time in college, and i hope you visit again soon! :)
when i say kelly you say smelly.
hehe. i LOVE kelly. shes my new favorite so back off. thats right.
so you probably want to know about the dance. to be quite honest i was scared as HECK to go to that dance cause idk.. i just didn't want to have a bad time after all the effort i was putting into it. and it was my first dance with an actual date. . . yeah. you can say i was a little scared. but it was fine. my parents weren't too scary! lol actually they were really good and i liked the way they acted around everyone.
it was quite awkward ... i went with a senior group and i didn't really know anyone. that was kinda sucky. but whateever. they were actually really funny, and although i didn't really fit in with them they were nice.
when we went to the dance... it was actually raining. so i kinda got a little soaked. but whatever. a minor setback was... mike forgot our tickets. lol.... yeah good one right? but he used his student council president-ness and we got in anyway. it was awesome seeing all my friends looking AMAZING. yep. so cool.
i guess i danced lol. it wasn't too bad actually. i've never been much of a dancer but i lived and i honestly had a good time doing it. so much fun. it was really HOT there. yep. lol
cept a few minor things everything went great and i was fine. so releaved that i didn't even know what i was nervous about in the first place. best dance i'd ever been to so far. :)
afterwards we went out to eat at red lobster. kinda lost some people we couldnt find. dinner was INSANE our group was CRAZY it was a good time. they really made me laugh. DRAMA was crazy but whaaaatever. too many details to even write down. when i got home it was crazy how much fun i realized i had. it really was amazing.
sooooooo thanks mike! i had a great time.
and thanks all my friends! :) <3 i love you all and you were all beautiful!