(no subject)

Oct 01, 2005 21:15

Dear livejournal,

The world just got ten times better . . . I MADE IMEA TRY-OUTS! *throws confetti*

Yes, that's a LOAD off my mind! So now I just have to work on trying to make IMEA! haha.




SO yesturday was the improv thing which was FREAKING AWESOME! There wasn't too many ppl there, and I went with my sister Brenna. We filled out an audience paper thing, and they said the line of dialogue I wrote. It was "I love Cheese" and they actually said it, it was one of the first things! lol If you ever want to laugh your head off, go to an improv show. And guess what? IT MIGHT BE ON TV! They were filming for a new reality show thing. They played a tape of this guys life, and then they were on our stage and brought up the guy, and the actors picked a thing from the audience and some props and they made up stuff based on the guys life! It was so funny! The sound was messed up, so the actors did extra stuff, so then one of the guys went on the stage and went "I AM A KNIGHT" and walked around with a fun noodle he called "noodle of death" it was GREAT! It was almost as good as Who's line is it anyway?

Today I went to Culvers and ate a lot. A LOT! I ate a whole huge ice-cream too! PIG! oink oink. I also went to the library (beacuse I'm a dork) and got lots of books to read cause I like to read (cause I'm a dork). But I searched my name in the library computer and found a book series with a semi-main character named Thea! Pretty awesome! I think my names catching on! hahah THEA WILL TAKE THE WORLD OVER!

and now for this fun stuff julie told me to do! MY KNEE IS THROBING! Stupid forth grade surgery screws me up for LIFE!

· 10 years ago I was: FIVE! And stupid . . . I think I was in kindergarten, but I'm stupid so I dont remember! I got my doggy when I was five!

· 5 years ago I was: TEN! and stupid . . lol in fifth grade . . . what did I do in fifth grade . . . hum, I was scared of albright, i remember that! haha

· 1 year ago I was: A stupid freshman! (notice a pattern?) lol I was terrified of high school and I had NO friends! I swear to god . . .

· Yesterday: I WENT TO THE IMPROV THING! It was pretty fun . . . I also had a french and chemistry test. An over-all pretty good day.

· 5 snacks I enjoy: ICE-CREAM! COOKIES! CHIPS! APPLES (had to have something healthy), PUDDING! :) :) :)

· 5 songs I know all the words to: the first songs that come to mind: "I want it that way" by basckstreet boys, "Twinkle Twinkle little star" by some smart person who wrote some catchy lyrics, "Happy BIRTHDAY" everyone knows these songs but I have a short attention span so i don't know! lol 2 more, "Beautiful SOul" by my future husband Jesse McCartney, why can't I think of one more? um . . this is a lame list, "I don't wanna be" Gavin Degraw!lol

· 5 things I would do with 100 million dollars: by lots of stuff for my parents, quit school, buy Jesse McCartney HAHAHAHA, buy my own tv show, and buy a pet llama, well, by a llama farm!

· 5 places I would run away to: a secret place ( i don't have one, but I wish i had a secret place), Ireland, California, New York, and somewhere in the middle of nowhere where ppl can't bother me

· 5 things I would never wear: nothing (lol), "big girl underwear" haha julie, a mohawk, one of those sticky bra things, and clothes with beer designs on them.

· 5 favorite tv shows: Radio Free Roscoe, Summerland, America's Next Top Model, Reunion (it rocks!), and The Biggest Loser!

· 5 bad habits: biting off my entire nail and leaving a painful stub, eating a lot, not picking up the phone when I don't feel like it, procrastinating things, and not studying.

· 5 biggest joys: playing in band/instruments such as guitar, WRITING! IT'S MY ANTI-DRUG! WRITING IS MY ONLY HIGH! HAHAHAHA lol, eating, lol (a habit and a joy), when I worked at Papa Murphys, and being with people that make me laugh

· 5 favorite toys: lol, toys? We don't play with toys anymore, well, I liked Barbies, game boy, my cabbage patch doll, I like clothes . . . and purses! Fine, not toys but close enough!

· 5 fictional characters I would date: BEST QUESTION EVER! ALADDIN! (he's my disney boyfriend, everyone has one), hmmm . . . Patrick Star maybe . . . he'd be a laugh, Diaske from DN angel, Sonic the Hedghog, and PETER PAN!

· 5 people I tag to do this: uh . . . i need ppl that haven't done it yet who actually go on xanga . . . how about . . .


Not a lot of livejournal ppl . .. lol

have fun!

smiles and giggles,

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