Oct 11, 2006 19:16
Think Fast Survey- answer with the first thing that pops into your head DONT CHEAT!!!
1. My ex - loved Tupac lol
2. I am listening to - nothing
3. Maybe I should - do some actual work
4. I love - mashed potatoes
5. My bestfriend(s) - (Corinne)is fabulous
6. I don't understand - myself sometimes
7. I lost respect for - a kid from CHC
8. i wish- I was a little bit taller....thats never gonna leave
9. The meaning of my screen name is - Lily (4/4 is my bday) PSU i heart PennState lily4psu
10. Love is - a many splendid thing, a smile a tear, a soft summer rain, it has no beginning, it has no end and I like it best when its shared with a friend, love is never stuffed up, never puffed up, never gives up when the goings rough, its the biggest little word you can say by the way, its sympathy, sincerity, its charity, the main variety, its everything happiness is made of, and i like it best when its shared with a friend--man do i miss Camp Andrews sometimes
11. Somewhere - out there--ha that reminds me of the kid I had a crush on in the 6th grade lol
12. I will always - be honest
13. Forever seems like - it goes by quick
14. I never ever want to lose - my faith in people, that they're good and just and honest
15. My cell phone is - New and fabulous!
16. When I wake up in the morning - i get on with it, none of that laying around in bed crap, alarm goes off (on ocassion i snooze button) but then you put your feet on the floor and get on wiht it dammit
17. I get annoyed at - people who take too long getting out of bed, when people dont respect obligations, myself
18. Parties are - best when they are your friends and a few random people
19. My pet(s) - dont exist
20. Kisses are the best - i think that says it all
21. Today I - didn't do a whole lot
22. I really want - something to eat, anything at all