Happy Gobble Gobble

Nov 26, 2009 15:55

So I think it's always good for me to think on the year and appreciate the good things, learn the bad, and be thankful for all the experiences, and write it down so i can remember this myself at this point...

I'm thankful for...

- God, for all the blessings in our lives
- My family still being alive and well and seemingly moving on. My mom has a job, which she may not enjoy as much as she did last year, but I know she enjoys working with the children and it keeps her busy. I hope she can sell this house and either go to colombia like she wants or do whatever she wants. I'm happy that she finally now has good tenants who actually are sweethearts. The one lady is actually making her a turkey and a bunch of side dishes for today which my mom thought she was joking at first. That's an amazing person. Dre is all married and bought a new house and I think is also planning on children if god allows it, so I hope so. I'd def be a sweet uncle. We have kristina now in the family who I love so that's good. And chris seems to be good with him trying to be a trainer and his gf, and his job, which are all pluses. Hopefully he won't take the impending break up too hard, but i know it's going to really bum him out. So thank you for my family and i hope good things keep happening for them.

- My friends who obviously, my life wouldn't be the same without. Great people to talk to and hang out with. And unfortunately there's a few close ones like dave and panda, jaeger, who I wish i could see more and talk to, but i will always love and care for them.

- not living on my "own" anymore and being at the new place with the guys. It's pretty much how i like to live for right now... and i would say a nicer place would be nice, but it probably wouldn't withstand our activities haha.

- having done well (or okay, depending on how you look at it) with school and having made it this far. I hope i can really get my act straight for next semester and do well with classes and kick ass on the boards, tho they will be a horrible 2 months of studying.

- the experiences i've had over the last year... xmas with the famfam, costa rica, dre's wedding, nye's, st pattys day, rutgersfest, miami, hearing my mom talk about her trip to colombia, Halloween (which was awesome by the way, the costumes were great, and having topless, but body painted, bartenders is a gift from the heavens), orientation, homecoming, post-block cruise, and everything else that should go here...

- the teachers i had in high school who have passed away... thank you for what you have taught me if i was your student, and if not, rest well.

- and to end it on a cheesy note, Kim... my soulmate... senora chipotle... a girl who has actually made me want to have a girlfriend... who makes me think about all kinds of gay things, and who has made feel a way that i haven't in years. And yeah i've had crushes and liked girls enough to date them, but... not like this. They were never really constantly popping up in my thoughts. She makes me feel excited and nervous... and anxious and awkward like a little kid fumbling around with a new toy that he loves and is trying to figure it all out completely. I mean i actually want to talk to her, and get to know her more and more, and actually just be near her, with her. And yeah, even though it's been about 2 months since we started talking, and this can all be crazy talk... she's... special... i don't know how else to describe it. Hmm.. maybe i'll tell her this today.

After a month of not seeing her, she spent the night over on monday, which was a huge surprise when she texted me that night. We went to old bay and hung out with liz and adrianne, got food and chilled at my place for a bit. FYI, the turkey gobbler is b-e-a-utiful. I gave her a chipotle t-shirt as a surprise, b/c i swear she really is powered on chipotle. That night, at one point, when we were in bed, i leaned in to kiss her and i think she just happened to turn her face, and i really didn't expect to be bothered by it, but i was. I didn't say anything, i just figured i'd sleep. It could have been she was tired or wasn't in the mood... idk... it really just threw me off. But then she asked why i was acting weird, which I took as a clue, as in why aren't u talking to/kissing me... and so i did, which was obviously the right decision. The next day we went out to ihop for breakfast (read: love), watched it's always sunny xmas, napped (she was probably tired cause she didn't have her barbacoa burrito), and then did evelyn's for dinner with adrianne. It's pretty awesome, in a way, how just being with someone, even during a lazy tuesday can feel like such a good day... how just looking at her smile, makes me do the same... and it happens, she'll see me smile or kind of laugh, and ask "what?" and there's no real reason, except for the fact that she's there with me. I'm going down to see her saturday in philly and hopefully get a sweet tour of the city. i hope this grows into something more... i can see that happening with her... i want that with her... but if not... i'm enjoying this ride...

I hope next year i can be more grateful of new things that are coming our way, and for things i take for granted... the food i have, the shelter, the laughter, the music, and the overall happiness b/c i guess i do have a pretty good life.

happy gobble gobble
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