(no subject)

Jul 27, 2005 21:28

Dear powdered vinyl gloves,
I'm sorry, but you are no longer my favourite lab gloves for I have discovered the wonderous Nitrile gloves. They are grippy, stretchy so they fit me better, labels don't get stuck to them as often and are easier to take off, don't make my hands sweaty like latex gloves, are more comfy . . . . and are blue. If they were powdered as well, they'd be perfect. You are still better than latex gloves, though. < /letter to gloves . . . 'tis sad, really>

And I've been working in the lab much too long . . . hehe. But I *do* like Nitrile gloves better than powdered vinyl--now I just have to find out the difference between the blue and purple Nitrile gloves (if there is a difference, that is).

In other news, I donated blood yesterday--this is a happy thing, as the last three or four times I've tried to donate my hematocrit level was too low so I wasn't able to. Afterwards, they made me sit at the cookie-and-juice table for an extra ten minutes because they thought I looked too pale (which is partly due to my normally pale-ish skin . . . except in the summer when I tan just walking to and from work on my lunch break--grr to the sun at 1sh).

Random aside: John Williams + Shakespeare = awesomeness-ness

My arm didn't hurt much while I was giving blood, but to-day I noticed that I now have a rather large black-and-blue mark, as well as several red splotches where I was drawn. (This did not happen when I gave blood at SU) However, it does not hurt.

I also had an appointment with my optometrist to-day. Stuff they give you to make your eyes dilate + bright, flourescent lights = not fun-ness. The first half-hour to hour I was back at work was a bit difficult, as the brightness of the lights added to the fuzzyness left over from the drops. The drops eventually wore off, though . . . by the time I went home, of course.

Dove toffee cookies are quite yummy.

That is all.

phleb lab

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