Literary Quizzes!! and yes, I will update later . . .

Sep 17, 2004 09:19

Quizilla has their search function back up, so I took some literary quizzes . . . and since I'm done with class at noon today, I shall write an actual update *audible gasp* this afternoon . . .

You're Don Quixote. Idealistic to a fault, you
are one of the few to believe in old-fashioned
ideas like honor and chivalry. You have an
overactive imagination and are eager to prove
yourself to a world that just isn't interested.
As a result you feel like an outsider in a sea
of cynics. Are you crazy or are they?

What Character from Literature Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
*starts singing* To dream the impossible dream . . . to fiiight the unfightable fight . . . *looks around* ok, I'll stop . . .

'Tis a great mystery, but somehow you have come to
belong in Jane Eyre; a random world of love,
kindness, madness, bad luck and lunatic
ex-wives. There really isn't much to say about
the place you belong in. It's your place, and
though it seems far from reality largly due to
how random the events are, you seem to enjoy
it. You belong in a world where not too many
people understand you, and where you can be
somewhat of a recluse.

Which Classic Novel do You Belong In?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yay! I love that book . . . .

and now I'm off to Genetics!

quizzes, litgeekery, rather accurate

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