Note to self: I am never driving to Woodfield again!!!! Jen where are you when I need you? AHHHH!!!!
Woodfield was fun yesterday!! I met Lindsey at Prospect Heights Library which was weird because I was talking to Jamie online and then she just was weird..... So we drove to her Grandma's house and we hung out until Jordan called us at Hersey because he was taking the ACT. We picked him up then went to get Megs then off to Woodfield...well so I thought we had to take a detour to go back to Jordan's house then to fill up on gas....argh!!!
Again I am never driving to Woodfield with Megs, Lindsey, and Jordan in the back seat of my car again!! With them yelling in my ear it was INSANITY!!! Though I have to say the funniest part about driving was there was when Jordan told us he was going to buy nail polish for his car's bumper. Lindsey was sitting in the front seat directing me to Woodfield and as soon as Jordan said that we looked at each other and started cracking up laughing. It was awesome!!
We finally made it there. A little bit late since we were suppposed to meet Jamie and his friends at 1 pm...ok so we were a little late but we had a harder time finding a parking space because it was soo crowded there. Also, everyone was irritated by the time we reached Woodfield. I had to go to the bathroom, Jordan was hungry and complaining, Lindsey wasn't saying much and Megs....well Megs was pretty quiet...which scaried the hell out of me. When Megs gets relaly quiet and she doesn't talk that is not a good sign. I finally found a spot after I nearly crashed like ten times...argh!!! my stupid driving and we run into Woodfield. We were trying to get through the crowded mall and out of the corner of my eye I spot a tall dude with glasses walk past me. I was wait a minute.....Jamie!!!
Jamie, Nick Kyle and Joe met all of us...yay!! finally!! It was a bit awkward at first but when we went to eat at Subway we broke the ice. Lindsey was sitting at one table with Kyle, Joe and Nick and I was sitting with Jordan Jamie and Megs. I was talking to Jordan about what to do about Cindy and well....I don't think I helped much.
After lunch we went to Gamer's Paradise and spent some time there. Even though after five minutes I wanted to leave. But we managed to get out and walk around the mall. I was trying to drag Jordan into every dress shop I saw. hehe he didn't like that much. At the end I dragged him into Total Wedding and Lindsey made fun of him by saying she saw a ugly blue dress that would go well with him. muhahah!! I love Lindsey!
Err.....Megs and Jamie got into a bit of a fight...and well it got a bit ugly afterward....Jamie said something to Megs and she slapped him on the face and then went all quiet for most of the afternoon. Jamie took it pretty calmly and I kissed him on to make him feel better which I think I did help =D
Still after she slapped him I was like what the fuck?! I didn't know if I should say something or comfort Jamie.....or bitch slap Megs and make the situation worse. Megs stormed off then got very quiet and Jamie was trying to say sorry all afternoon but Megs ignored him.
I was so happy to see Jamie again. As soon as we saw each other we were holding hands. I think he missed me even though we only been seperated for less then 24 hrs. Lindsey was taking pictures of Jamie and I making out...She said we looked so cute together and that she was jealous of us, in a good way that was. Although Jordan was saying really loudly EWWWWW!!!! and after I stopped kissing Jamie i was whispered in his ear. Remind me to kill Jordan later! I didn't kill Jordan but still...die Jordan die die!!
Jordan had to leave early so Kyle, Joe Nick and Jamie all walked us to my car and we said goodbye. Joe and Kyle were all crazy like I was kissing Jamie and saying goodbye.....a long long goodbye. After we got out of Woodfield I started missing him like crazy!! =( But I'm ok I know we will see him soon for Mitsuwa!!! yay!!
Lindsey Megs and I went to Steak and Shake had dinner and dinner Lindsey was dropped off and then Megs and I headed off to Hersey because Megs's boyfriend John was working there. Hersey had a Variey Show which ended late. So I stayed at Hersey till 10 pm I thought my parents would kill me because I told them I would be home around 7 pmish....oops! Well anyway it was fun we killed some time at Target...
I forgot how many bitchy girls there were in high school. When Megs and I were waiting for the Variety Show to end these popular girls (popular ha!) were waiting outside with us. They started making weird noises. I think they were making weird farm noises or something...I was like WHAT THE FUCK?! I wanted to beat them up but Megs did want to because they were in her Physics class...errr...damn.... But I was making fun of them....stupid bitchy girls!!
I came home a little after 10 and explained to my parents wher I was. Then played some games and went to bed LATE!! ARGH!!!! church tomorrow!! All in all it was a good day...I got to see Jamie again =D and Nick, Joe and Kyle. I think we got along pretty I can't wait for Mitsuwa....I actually can't wait for everybody to come home.....specially Jen!! so Jen can car pool now!! no more Jenny car pooling yay! hehe sorry Jen.. well got to go Jordan is bugging me!! stupid Jordan! hehe just kidding love you Jordan =D will write more