Short story...hubby got into a pissing match with AOL billing over us being billed twice, once for our at home use where we have cable internet, and again for when he uses it at the shop where he only has dialup. Hey, it seemed fair to me. Two different connections, two prices. But...he didn't think so. The upshot is that I now have no AOL until this matter is resolved. That means I have no e-mail for a day or two. (It better not be more than that, and I would prefer it to be taken care of this evening.) All my LJ comment notifications and both my RP's go to my e-mail, so I'll be behind on those. I still have internet, but without AOL I don't have *any* of my bookmarks. That pisses me off. I'm lucky I actually remembered the password to my LJ.
Send some good thoughts, yeah? Not for's hubby who needs them. I'm feeling a bit irritated and might just go Bullitt County redneck on his ass later.
kaprini knows what I mean, LOL! You don't mess with a B.C. woman.