Jan 30, 2005 15:01
I haven't written much lately because I've been so busy--my life feels very full and it's a good full that makes me happy.
I don't really know where to start. I'm not sure about the new job and there's much to say about it but I have to be back there early in the morning and want to only think of the lovely, bright weekend that is happening NOW! It will be tough as a couple of my friends had their last day at the big company on Friday and I will miss them and not being able to chat with and see them every single day. One of them is my lovely Julie but I see her and talk with her much anyhow.
Okay, S* has been officially moved out of the house. It's all very crazy. T* told him that he couldn't keep waiting around for him to figure out what he needs to do. He hasn't been home for a month and a half and wouldn't talk to T*. Then T* told him he needs to get his stuff because he needs to find a new roomie here. He asked that S* please call him back this time so they could figure out about the rest of his stuff here and the bills he hasn't paid for the last 2 months. Thursday night after work we had a few guys over and one of them asked T* about S*'s room and his things and T* didn't think anything of it and just said he would figure it out when S* calls. Waiting for the food we'd ordered I came up to get my checkbook and noticed S*'s door was opened and the room was empty! I asked T* where he moved his things and what happened and T* was so confused and came up with me and we just stood there shocked, really. S* had come and moved everything out while we were gone during the day but never told us he was coming. T* was sad at first and then angry and upset and confused. I felt awful for him and sad that S* didn't say goodbye and just end this the right way. S* had taken a few things that were T*s that were part of the house so T* felt crappy over it and he didn't leave the keys and his MOM had written a check for this month's rent for him and left it on the fridge. What's weird is that T* is ALWAYS home during the day. S* knows my work hours but T* like never leaves so the one day he left for a short time S* came and moved all the big stuff out. It was like he was waiting and watching. It was all very sad and surreal seeming. I got off work early again Friday and came home and T* had called S*'s parents house having the numbers from the check and S*'s mom didn't know what was going on--S* had told her some story about how he couldn't stay here anymore and for all she knew he was gonna to be going to school HERE not Chicago and we were all just told something different. S* finally called T* only because he was angry at him for calling his family's house but T* said he couldn't get ahold of him any other way. They talked a little and T* didn't get many answers to anything but at least he got to say goodbye and I think he was ok with that. He tells me he's dealing but I know he's sad as much as upset and I know I'm sad that it had to happen this way. But we're going to find another great guy to come and share this big house with us and hopefully he will stay around and things will be fun. T*'s already got this guy in mind and everybody tells me he's awesome so I hope to meet him soon. Thursday night was a weird night, ya know and then
Friday was weird and I was sick so I was glad to actually get home early. One of my guy friends came and got me and he and the other friends said they wouldn't call me until late because they wanted me to rest and take a long nap. They were worried and that was sweet but I don't want them to worry too much. I went to bed and slept for 3 hours! and then woke up and the phone started ringing with lovely friends. I talked for a few hours on the phone to them and called that brother of the lovely boy who works at the Big Co. He has left me a couple phone messages this week and it's been when my phone was shut off and I was nervous to call him seeing as how my lovely boy friend flat out told me that yes, his brother says he like me. I was scared and didn't know what to do because I don't know how to deal when boys like me. I feel like "ok that's nice, now let's hang out as if this isn't happening". I threw away the nerves and called him back finally and he invited me to this deal with a band he knows who were having a party for the release of their new CD. I wanted to go but I was so tired and so I said no but I asked if he wanted to have lunch the next day. He said he would love to so then
Saturday he gave me a call before noon about it. I was really nervous because I didn't want this to be awkward as he doesn't know that I KNOW he likes me and has said these things and then the fact that I made it clear I do NOT date I didn't want to have to fight him off or something;) First thing is I put it out there yes this is just a friends things and he's all "sure, yeah I know" kinda deal. He suggested sandwiches which made me sigh because it's sandwiches and sandwiches are love (haha, remember one of those silly quizes said that and I agreed!). We went to this new place that was cute but so packed we wouldn't have been able to talk to each other so he asked if we could go back to his house so we did. My lovely boy friend was there and looked silly in his pjs and his getting his baby ready for a trip with the grandparents. We played with her a bit and played fun songs on the stereos and they put on one of my favorites that I suggested to them that they now love. Then after the brother and I went out in the SNOW, yes it was snowing quite fantastically, and walked a part of the trail in the sister city that he had not been to. It fooled us as we couldn't see the ice underneath the snow. We giggled watching people slip because it was so human and we scared of the same thing. He promised to catch me if I fell but it turns out I was catching him ALOT and I didn't slip once, lol. It was all very silly and fun. We stood on the big bridge and watched everybody down below walking in the snow and being chilly and laughing and then we had to go back so he could go to work. On the way back to the car he grabbed my hand before getting back to the big patch of ice that fooled us at the start of our little hike so there would be no way I would be slipping on it.
I really had a good time. A really good time ya know.
But I have to leave it at just having a good time with a new FRIEND because I have to watch out for myself. But then now, see, I want to see him very soon because I think we will have lots of fun adventures:)
I got home and took a warm shower to melt the ice off of me! and the napped before my movie date with Julie! It was very fun and I saw her lovely home for the first time, can ya believe it! We ordered food and drank a bottle of wine and watched a girly movie. Then I stood out at her balcony and watched the snow and the lights all far away and the gorgeous midnight sky and it was a perfect view that made me feel happy at the end of the night. We talked for a long time about life stuff and relationships and things. She tells me I am strong and she is amazed by me and I tell her she has a great heart and I'm glad we met. I think that getting this job last year at the Big Co. wasn't just getting A job to work and pay the bills. I get awesome stuff to put on my resume and a safe, good place to work and have made some incredible friends I know that will last for always. I think it's a fate thing. A big group of us keep saying this:)
Anyhow, got home after midnight and getting ready for bed my lovely boy friend calls me and we talk for a good long while as he works until 2:30 am, whew. I went to bed and woke up at one point before the sun came up and couldn't get back to sleep. I just laid there and felt happy and thankful for so many great things that have happened in my life in this last year and half. I got teary and said a good prayer for the things that are in my heart that I worry about and those I think of that aren't here with me everyday and that helped. Then I feel asleep and woke up when the sun was so bright and hot at my window. Made a huge breakfast and talked with T* and GF* and played with Min and Boscoe and then have kept the afternoon for me to be quiet and do things in my room and rest up for the big week that has some changes in it for me.
Ooh, in other news: I decided that with my tax return money I am going to put it away in my D has never had a car and deperately wants that FREEDOM fund! It will be a pretty good amount from what I can see. I'm going to try for a second job to make extra money about it, too. Even though I'm moving soon I still want one and will need one to be able to get back here to visit lots and then able to go visit Jo whenever I want! and many other reasons. This is going to be the year for this. I mean it, THIS (2005, I love you already) is going to the year!
Here's a good wish for an AMAZING week that holds great surprises with wonderful times and coziness and happiness!
Much much MUCH love and peace and a great big hug from me,
D. :)