Democrat... republican... its the same party. They've been controlling you for decades.
Elections have been controlled forever (or atleast since 1974 when they made it LEGAL to do so). They've had an easier time rigging elections since electronic voting. Please don't be lazy. Put in a paper ballot. One vote only counts if it's not erased or manipulated to another party.
Hopefully people will finally do something this year. Hopefully people will forget what special interest group or party affiliation in which they believe, because a splintered people is the advantage of the "elite;" they can continue running/ruining the world as they see fit, if all the people are confused and remain unwilling to unite due to unimportant personal preferences.
"What's the point of voting who I think is best? Nothing is ever going to change due to the impracticality of change in America." That's the attitude that keeps things the way they are and changing for the worst. Think for yourself. Don't get your opinion from mainstream television or magazines, because the "elite" owns that too; almost all media.
"Clinton is another Bush, just this time it has a vagina." She'll plunge us deeper into debt than America realizes.
Hopefully Ron Paul will have a shot. If not, it only further proves that America is a lie and that Americans are Sheep being herded by the rich nazi sympathizers with their tools of confused/chaotic materialism and economic gain/struggle.
I have two movies to recommend watching in order to de-brainwash you: - the facts of many government conspiracies, activities, and cover-ups, as well as the Christianity conspiracies, though we all know that most of the Christian religion is a lie already.
"Man of the Year" - dumbed down explanation of electronic voter fraud and how the people are sheep due to their reliance on media from television to rely on who to vote for.