Seven Things Meme

Feb 28, 2012 22:10

Thanks visionsbeyond!  These are so fun to do.  But I'm pretty horrible at just choosing one thing. :)

- Which is your favorite song by Whitney Houston and why?
Oh it's impossible to name just one.  First love was One Moment in Time. Her voice carries and settles in within you, lifting you.  I Look To You, I Have Nothing, and of course I Will Always Love You.
- Mr Darcy or Mr Thornton and why?  O
ooh. Tricky.  They both share the intense longing looks at their loves from across the room. Which I adore.  I'd just have to close my eyes and pick.  They both carry wonderful qualities.  Mr. Thornton it is though..  What a man. His passion for everything was/is thrilling.
- If you could choose, which celebrity would you marry right here and now?
Henry Cavill comes to mind.  Jensen Ackles.  For reasons that I'm sure are obvious. ;)
- Name 3 of your favorite romantic movies (drama or comedy) of all time.
I'll always love North and South and Pride and Prejudice..  Persuasion has a sweet pull over you that you crave for more.  And probably The Mummy.  I'll always cherish that movie.  May not be all romantic, but the two leads were one of my first when it comes to shipping. :)
- Paris or London and why?
I've always wanted to go to London.  But I truly think I would spend more time in Paris.  There's something about the history, the architecture, the art.  I'd want to go everywhere and take pictures of everything.
- Have you ever watched a horror movie and not slept for nights after? If yes then which one?
I do remember watching one about something like 'Don't look under the bed.'  I never wanted to even approach my bed for a while.  Getting in/out of it was me jumping to and from, from my door.  Other than that, nah, I tried to stay away from horror. :)
- Mention 3 very important qualities you look for in a friend
Trust has to be there.  It's so hard to find that in people these days.
Loyalty.  Someone who would stand by you. Sees the best and worst in you and still stays.
Laughter.  I don't know how to describe that as a quality, but just someone you can always laugh with.  Laughter heals and strengthens you.

seven things meme

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