Birthday vignette (House/Wilson) light R

Aug 23, 2010 19:59

Title: Birthday vignette
Fandom: House
Pairing: House/Wilson
Genre: established, humor, fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: > 600
Summary: If Wilson won't plan something special for House's birthday, then House will do it for him.
Note: For chickloveslotr's birthday! I love you.

House knew there were worse ways to wake up than to the sight of your sleep rumpled best friend dozing two inches from your face. There was waking up with part of your leg missing without your consent - just as an example. But still, he'd been hoping for something extra special today.

"Wilson," he whispered in the darkness. There was no movement at all from the blanket covered lump next to him. "Wilson," he tried again, slightly louder this time. Finally he switched to his normal volume and tone - bored with a side of annoyance. "Wilson."

His louder attempt at waking his bedmate earned him a disgruntled sound, and Wilson flipped over, turning away from the source of his annoyance - namely House.

"Wilson!" This time House punctuated Wilson's name with a smack on the ass.

Wilson jumped and rolled back over the other way to meet House's glare with small frown. He muttered sleepily, "Good morning, dear." And damn it, House still hadn't figured out if he was kidding with that nickname or if he was actually trying to trick House into accepting a pet name. Wilson was both a romantic idiot and far more devious than most people realized, so either explanation was possible. House loved that about Wilson. Except when it was being used against him. Or maybe especially when it was being used against him.

"Don't 'good morning, dear' me," House groused, turning onto his back and crossing his arms over his chest, disgruntled.

Wilson blinked sleepily at him for a few minutes before crawling over with a sigh to drape himself over House. "You woke me up - did you need something?"

Instead of answering House asked a question of his own. "Do you know what day it is?"

"Thursday." Wilson answered through a yawn.

"Thursday." House said flatly, but he left no doubt in his tone that Thursday was not the appropriate answer.

Unexpectedly Wilson began to laugh, turning his face into House's chest to smother the sound. Teasing now, Wilson said, "Was there something else special about today?"

"Asshole." House muttered, but he didn't move or try to push Wilson's warm familiar weight off of him.

Wilson lifted his head to press a closed mouth kiss to House's lips. "Did you really think I'd forget your birthday?"

"Maybe," House conceded. Then he turned an accusing glare on his lover. "I'm not seeing any breakfast in bed or a big bow wrapped around you."

Wilson settled back on House's chest. "Right, because you made such a big production out of my birthday."

"Hey, I offered you something to put in your mouth."

"By all means, House, feel free to suck my dick whenever you want. It's your birthday after all." Wilson offered generously.

"Whenever I want?" House repeated with a sly smile that would have frightened Wilson if he'd been looking at it.

Wilson either had eyes in the back of his head or he just knew how House's mind worked, because he sounded resigned when he asked, "Are you planning something evil?"

"Wilson," House said, shocked at the accusation, "do you know me at all?"

"That's a yes then," Wilson sighed, pushing himself up for one more kiss before heading off to the shower.

"Don't wear a belt today," House called after Wilson's back. "Or boxers."

"I'll find a bow," Wilson promised on the way out the door.

"Happy birthday to me," House said to this his empty room. It was going to be a very good day.

The complete list of my House fic can be found here.

fanfiction, house md, gifts, birthday, slash, house/wilson

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