I have to go to bed, but I just read both my gifts from
sga_santa and
deancas_xmas and they were both so wonderful that I had to rec them right away. I must have been a very good girl this year.
Black Flag John/Rodney.
Earth is never going to let Atlantis go home, so John takes matters into his own hands. I always ask for fluff, schmoop, and happy endings with these things. Because I really love fluff, schmoop, and happy endings, but also because I worry about things getting too dark if I don't specify. In this case, Santa gave me everything I didn't even know I wanted in a fic. It's serious and mildly angsty, but the ending is hopeful and the whole thing is moody and simply gorgeous.
He Who Laughs Last (the Joke's on Us) Jensen/Misha
Jensen and Misha think they’re pulling the mother of all pranks on Jared by pretending to be a couple, but they’re in way over their heads. OMG. What can I even say about this fic? It's completely awesome. It's funny and sweet and insightful and just perfect. I laughed so hard I cried and I smiled so big my face started to hurt. And it gave me that warm, heart clenching feeling in my chest that always accompanies my very favorite happy-place stories.
Go. Read. Tell the Santas how wonderful they are. Here's hoping you all get something just as wonderful in your stockings this year. Love you.