(no subject)

Dec 07, 2008 23:58

I fail epicly at going on LiveJournal regularly. But I do have a little note pad on my desktop where I write things that I want to put in my next entry, so I'm prepared! :D

I love my school, 'cause I was studying in the library the other day and this girl just comes by and gives me a Red Bull "to help me finish my studying." It wasn't just me, she had a whole bag of them, it was clearly some sort of thing they were doing for the students. But I thought that was just so nice that they'd do that. It's a little thing, but it was thoughtful and very useful as well, not like a rubbish pamphlet or anything. XD It made my day.

I also got around to downloading some Christmas music. I love the classic carols, they're so pretty. And I found this fantastic album called "A Festival of Carols in Brass" which is a purely instrumental brass ensemble. I am DYING at how pretty it is. I keep listening to it over and over again. I FREAKING LOVE BRASS ENSEMBLES! They make me cap happy and musicgasm and other lovely things.

Also, it's freaking cold and it's not fair. I meant to do some studying today, but since I decided to stay warm, I stayed at home and therefore didn't get anything done. Which is dumb, I know. But I get so distracted when I'm at home. I study much better in the library. But in the snow it takes me like 45 minutes to walk to school and it's so COLD and it seems so FAR just to study, which I can do here... But I don't... I suppose I'll just have to force myself to go to the university for the next week. Bah.

ALSO, OMG MERLIN. Like... The episode was really intense and stuff, and Morgana was awesome as usually and I was SO into it the whole time. Also, I am attracted to dark!Merlin. Good stuff. Also, I really wanted to hug Gwen. D: BUT FOR SERIOUS, the thing that makes me utilize the capslock button is the preview for the next/last episode. OMFG. AH. OMG. ARG. SNGDFBSPOFGsDV. I can't wait 'till next week, holy crap. AHHH. ..... That is all.

OH OH OH and new SJA! The Briiiiiiiiiiiiiig! Ahhh, I love the Brig so much. AND PART 2 IS TOMORROW! YAYAY! 8D

Oh, and lastly, a slightly moar srs subject. I've been having these really bad nightmares. D: I know that EVERYONE has nightmares, it's totally normal and everything, but these are really, really different. I've had incredibly terrifying nightmares the past three nights in a row, and that's not so normal... I think I keep having such bad dreams is because of the nightmare I had a few nights ago...

I'd experienced some pretty scary shit. And when I say scary, I mean really fucking scary. And not in nightmares or anything, real life scary shit. And no one reading this knows what I'm talking about because I've never told anyone. But the point is... This particular nightmare I had a few nights back was the most frightening experience of my life. And it wasn't nessicarily the content that made it scary... I mean, the content WAS scary, but it wasn't simply that. For those who don't know what night terrors are, they're not actual dreams, but simply very strong feelings experienced during sleep, at the most associated with a vivid image but nothing more. Also, they don't happen during REM sleep, but in a less deep sleep early on in the night. So I know what I had WASN'T a night terror. But it's the closest thing I can think of to describing what this nightmare was like. Because, during the dream, I KNEW I was dreaming and that it wasn't real, and the feeling DIDN'T go away. And then I woke up and I COULDN'T MOVE. My whole body felt like it was on fire, my chest hurt, I was having much trouble breathing and I was too terrified to do anything. I'm pretty sure what I was feeling was what complete and utter terror feels like. At least it's the closest I've ever felt to it.

Like I said, what it was about wasn't the important thing. Which sounds weird when describing a nightmare... But for those who are interested, the part where I was actually feeling this horrible fear was when this... Sort of... Living corpse or ghost... I'm not quite sure what she was... But she was in a window of a building very far away, but I could hear her voice in my head. And she was saying that she knew what I did and that I could run and hide, but she would find me and kill me. And her head... Even though she was really far away, SOMEHOW, in a way I can't even describe, I could see her, and her head was tilting 90 degrees to her neck, and would rapidly switch between sides. It was incredibly unnerving.

But anyway, since this nightmare, I've been afraid to go to sleep. Which SUCKS because I love sleep. Sleep is usually so good... But now it feels more tiring than anything. And I have good reason to be afraid, because when I do sleep, I have really bad nightmares. Granted, not as bad as the first one, but they're still pretty fucking scary.

So yeah, if anyone has actually gotten through my MASSIVE entry, I would love some advice or something. I've never had a problem like this before and I would very much like it to go away, because I miss having a good sleep. D:

merlin, musicgasm, christmas music, the brig, dream, i'm cold, music, nightmare, srs bsns, brass, long entry is long, sarah jane adventures, christmas, university

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