Nov 26, 2008 18:56
Ok, this is what happens when I don't talk to Lindsey for a few days. Out of the blue I get an e-mail from her saying I need to go on MSN so she can tell me something important. And this is what follows:
(it may be a tad confusing at the beginning, I was too XD I actually edited a couple bits so you could catch on easier)
Leah~ says:
Linz~ says:
ok so i need you to answer honestly
Leah~ says:
Ok then
Linz~ says:
when filling out the Doctor order form one must be sure to get all the information correct so as to keep his or her customers as satisfied as possible
Linz~ says:
chocolate? vinilla? or 'twist' (a somewhat marbled Doctor)
Leah~ says:
I am SO confused
Linz~ says:
those twists have a rather creamy inside
Linz~ says:
just answer the question!
Linz~ says:
you want your Doctors to be delivered on time do you not?!
Leah~ says:
Leah~ says:
Linz~ says:
your not supposed to
Linz~ says:
just answer
Linz~ says:
Linz~ says:
Linz~ says:
Linz~ says:
it's a lul kath and i came up with on the way home
Linz~ says:
Leah~ says:
Linz~ says:
excelent! those are personally my favourite
Linz~ says:
now how many?
Leah~ says:
How... Many?
Leah~ says:
Leah~ says:
OVER 9000!
Linz~ says:
alright then!
Linz~ says:
a sepecific number would be appreciated but the Who delivery service will do it's best to accomidate your order
Leah~ says:
Leah~ says:
Leah~ says:
Leah~ says:
Linz~ says:
now as a special offer only available for the holiday season, our customers have the chance to order by light speed
Linz~ says:
only a few dollars more, and if one orders enough Doctors, you will even recieve a complimentary sonic screwdriver
Linz~ says:
and remember this offer lasts for the holiday season ONLY
Leah~ says:
Linz~ says:
Linz~ says:
your 9000 Doctors + 1 will be delivered in holiday style with red ribbons tied around their necks
Linz~ says:
any last requests?
Leah~ says:
Umm... Does it come with any companions? Specifically ones that come in kilts or in penguin form?
Linz~ says:
I'm sorry, those are at this point only offered after the holiday season
Linz~ says:
you may however, pre-order now if you so wish
Leah~ says:
Yes plz. :]
Linz~ says:
the companions come in chocolate filled with creamy strawberry, orange or raspberry
Linz~ says:
the kilts are however an extra five dollars each, the penguin ten
Linz~ says:
please don't ask why, i only inforce the rules, i do not make them
Linz~ says:
your order ma'am
Linz~ says:
Leah~ says:
Leah~ says:
Leah~ says:
Linz~ says:
please ma'am i have two more galaxies to visit before my next break
Leah~ says:
I dun really like fruit and chocolate mixed... But if I had to pick it'd be orange
Linz~ says:
alright, chocolate orange filled companions it is
Linz~ says:
how many?
Linz~ says:
for an extra twenty dollars per companion you may get a special greeting engraved on the chest
Leah~ says:
I dunno, this is starting to get a little pricey..
Leah~ says:
I think I definitely want a penguin
Leah~ says:
But I need to think about the kilt clad one... 'cause... like.... I'm going broke here
Linz~ says:
well, keep in mind ma'am you are pre ordering your companions, they aren't even released yet, you have time to stock up or call again
Linz~ says:
once our delivery man/alien/thing drops off your colleciton of 9000+1 twist Doctors we'll be sure to give you our card
Leah~ says:
Uuummm... Kay, I'll get the kilt one too
Linz~ says:
Linz~ says:
is that all? no special engravings?
Leah~ says:
Umm, no, I'm good
Linz~ says:
alright then
Linz~ says:
excellent, thank you for your order. The Who delivery service wishes you a happy holiday and safe driving. Please remember to always turn left.
Leah~ says:
I will, thank you
Linz~ says:
good night and good day!
I love Lindsey. So much. She won't read this, but LINDSEY YOU WIN x GRAHAMS NUMBER.
Also, let me just say that I'm not THAT dumb. It took me a while to figure out what she was talking about because she didn't capitalize "Doctor" (that was one of the few things I edited, she never capitalizes Doctor XD), and I only figured it out when she capatilized "Who" in "Who delivery service." Anyway, the point is.... Epic win.
I can't wait for my order to arrive. :]
epic lulz,
epic win,
doctor who,
who delivery service