It may be the day after, but it's not too late to say...
Happy TARDIS Day one and all!
November 23rd celebrated the 45th anniversary of Doctor Who! I am pleased. My day MOSTLY sucked 'cause I had a lot of work, but near the end of the day, I ate pizza, talked to Deirdre on MSN and then talked to Mimi on Skype for a couple hours, and that more than made up for it. :D 'Twas good fun.
On top of that, Mimi gave me a wickedawesome present for TARDIS Day in the form of Frobisher comics! I'm so excited to read them! :D I love you Mimi! I have a little present to give back, although I didn't put as much work into it as you did to put together those comics... But at least it's something, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it! :D
Doctor Who and the Pirates: If there's anything wrong with the download, let me know. Enjoy! ^___^
Also, if anyone wants me to upload any of the first 100 Doctor Who audios, or anything else that I may have on my computer, I will gladly do so for you, just let me know. <333