(no subject)

Sep 28, 2008 15:23

It's picspam tiiiime! I'm posting pictures of my new place, and I took way more than I thought I would. XDD But I actually cleaned up, which was good. I definitely needed to clean up.

Let's start outside, shall we? This is the house. See that window open on the top floor? That's my room.

If you turn right, you'll see the garage.

Open the door and there's the front hall. Straight through goes to the kitchen, and right before then is stairs the go downstairs. Immediately to the right goes upstairs.

Here's the kitchen itself.

A door to the left in the kitchen leads to the dining room and this is where the piano is! I definitely needed to include a picture of the piano here.

So after going upstairs (which you saw a couple pics back) you get to the second floor (or the third, depending on how you look at it) and there's the door to the third (or fourth) floor which is my part of the house.

So you go up these really steep stairs...

And this is basically the first view you get of my room(s).

If you turn a bit to the right, you see one of my windows, the one that faces the backyard/park.

Turn a bit more to the right (and also walk more into the room, I didn't take this standing at the stairs), you see my TV and my laptop. This was taken just sitting on the couch, which is my favourite place to just chill on the computer or read or whatever.

Turning a little more, you can see where the stairs are to get up here (and also my fab Abbey Road poster).

Once again turning to the right you see my dresser, the door to my bedroom and another desk with some snacks on it. :D

Here's a picture of my entire bedroom.

Here's my cubby of a bed, which is pretty awesome if you ask me. I nerded it up by putting pictures of space stuff (from an old Astronomy calander I had).

Here it is from the opposite side.

This is my desk that I don't actually use that much. But I do have some lovely pictures up. That window is the one you could see in the first picture of the house.

And here's the backyard, which is actually a lot nicer than this picture makes it look. You can see that there's a park behind the fence, and to the right is a little gate with a stone path that leads into the park. It's actually the cutest thing ever.

This is the gate.

And this is what it looks like when you turn around. You can see a bit of the house and the garage in the background.

Aaaand that's my wonderful picspam of my place in Ottawa. I could also post a pic of my bathroom, but it's kinda ugly and small and not very interesting.

SO I used a lot more pictures than I originally intended, but w/e. And even if no one actually goes through this whole thing, it's all good, because I can go back to this way later and be like "haha, I remember living there" and hopefully no bad memories will come flooding back. Everybody wins. Kind of. Not really. WATEVA  I DO WAT I WAN.


new place, ottawa, picspam

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