No winter camping, plz. I shudder and shiver at the mere thought. Unless it was in a quincy? (I just learned it is spelt 'quinzhee'.) I've never slept in one, and always felt the lack!
It has been a long, long time since I went camping. I always want to go, especially on may long, but... And I've always wanted to camp with friends, just for the experience. I've only ever been with family and girl guides. Not knocking it, those are great, but y'know.
I've... Paddled about in a canoe in a lake? A little? :/
Also, ha! it's only threeish hours from here. *gloats* No car though. /gloat.
Yeah, it WOULD be cold, but it would also be an awesome experience. Also, I've made quinzhees before, they're SO much fun! I'd totally camp in one. :D
Yeah, ditto about going with family and girl guides... It WAS fun, but I want to do something different, y'know? Going with friends would be great. :D
And I was totally wrong, it IS 3 hours from TO, I just remember it being longer... I don't know why I thought it was 5, prolly 'cause it seems like longer when you're younger... And we've also used farther entrances as well... And had stops and stuff to meet up with the fam and rent canoes... It probably ended up as 5 hours then. XD
You include the idea of 'we're leaving at ten AM' when you know after everything is loaded and missing things are found and packed it's going to be at least ten thirty, if not eleven.
And random sight seeing is also cool on a trip. That's the fun getting there, right?
Oh, Vancouver is gorgeous, I love it there. I've always wanted to live there. I ALMOST went to UBC. It was between Carleton and UBC, but I ended up wanting to stay a little closer to home.
It has been a long, long time since I went camping. I always want to go, especially on may long, but... And I've always wanted to camp with friends, just for the experience. I've only ever been with family and girl guides. Not knocking it, those are great, but y'know.
I've... Paddled about in a canoe in a lake? A little? :/
Also, ha! it's only threeish hours from here. *gloats* No car though. /gloat.
Yeah, ditto about going with family and girl guides... It WAS fun, but I want to do something different, y'know? Going with friends would be great. :D
And I was totally wrong, it IS 3 hours from TO, I just remember it being longer... I don't know why I thought it was 5, prolly 'cause it seems like longer when you're younger... And we've also used farther entrances as well... And had stops and stuff to meet up with the fam and rent canoes... It probably ended up as 5 hours then. XD
And random sight seeing is also cool on a trip. That's the fun getting there, right?
I wish I knew where I'm going to be in four months...
Either way, it's probably work, right? -___- Damn responsibility. D:
But work = MONEY, and that's AMAZING.
So it's LA or TO? That's a random indecision. XD
Basically, anywhere where there's an animation scene. :D
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