So in the past, we've had a bit of an excess of douchery and f**kery at LKL, and in order to eliminate that, we decided it would be cool if we actually had standards. For the most part, all we are really looking for is to see that you're an active member of the LiveJournal community and not an extremely sketch creeper. We have a no drama policy, and darnit, LOVE is in our name, so that's what this comm is all about. If you're a fan of LilyKat, The Trinity (LK+Meg), or The Fantastic Four (LKM +Kaya), you've got a place here!
While reviewing your profile, we will be considering:
~Has it been 2 weeks or more since you've made an entry?
~Do you not have a layout and/or nothing/little in your profile?
~Was your journal recently created and/or less than a 3 months old?
~Does your journal have only a few entries?
~Do you have very few friends despite being on LJ for quite some time?
~Do you have very few friends despite being a member of many communities?
~Do you have very few comments posted despite being on LJ for quite some time and/or belonging to a number of communities?
~Have you recently become active or "inherited" your journal from a friend?
~Have you ever gotten on the wrong side of a moderator?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you risk being declined for comm membership. If you recently abandoned an old journal to start a new one, you need to let us know. You should also be aware that this set of guidelines and standards for membership is not unique to
lilykatlove .
Credit to the iheart comms for the membership guidelines.