
Jun 19, 2008 03:27

...Wow, I need to find a new job. Like, for reals :((((((((((

.....Anyways, I'm about to go to bed and sleep until Friday. But first, because I'm not quite sleepy enough:

Meme stolen from ladysisyphus and goodbyebartleby: List ten female characters that you think are awesome, even if everyone else seems to hate them.

...This should be hilariously predictable!

1.Anna Williams from Tekken. A lot of Tekken fans hate Anna and call her the slut of the series and whiney. Whiney, I can see; slut, nah. It's never been said or even implied that she' promiscuous. I personally think she's confident and cute in that kid sister kind of way. And in Death by Degrees, she was the sister that always got the other sister out of trouble and comforted the other...in a game that was supposed to be about how great Nina Williams is. Not only that, even as a kid, Anna was brave and gave her all for her family. In a series that's typically about kicking your family's ass, you have to admit that stands out. Not only that, she managed to foil every one of Nina's attempted hits in Tekken. World's greatest assasin, MY ASS! I also adore her hair. If I could get away with that style, I totally would, uh huh.

2. Dr. Girlfriend from Venture Brothers. Arguably the smartest person on the show. Okay, maybe second smartest. Anyway! While the voice and her choice of companion probably what turn most off to her, I like her side comments and attitude. But let's be honest: VB is probably one of the best shows on television overall ;).

3. Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. Kairi admittedly was supposed to be like the Aerith or Rinoa of the series, but I feel she gets more flack overall than those two. But I like her because, dammit she kicks ass and uses a giant key for her weapon!

4. Lady Samantha from Vagrant Story. I've said it before, Sam was the little puppy dog of the Crimson Blades. She followed Romeo everywhere and clung to every word he said, even if what he said or did bothered her. In fact, this was a major fault of her; hell, it ended up causing her demise. However, she was adorable and a sweetheart. And even in the end, she saw through Romeo's bastardly ways and even told him off in her little way before she died. That honestly was one of the high points for me in what is probably one of the greatest written stories in gaming.

5. Mint from Threads of Fates/Dewprism. Another one of Squaresoft's little known gems from their PSX heyday. Mint was hardheaded, loud, obnoxious, bitchy, and angry. But what's what made her so damned cool! And for a game that didn't have any voiceovers, she was was animated in such a way that you just knew exactly how stubborned and how hard she was stomping on the ground. Not only that, I just love the way she was designed! Her boots, the hair, her weapon! Mint still just one the best heroines and one of my favorite characters of all time.

6. Yuna from Final Fantasy X/X-2. I liked Yuna from start of the first game. It's just too bad that when the second game came out, people either decided to like her her because she "became" bad-ass (nevermind she was exactly the way she ended by the end of FFX), or they decided to hate her because she ditched the cermonal robes. And not to mention she was just too cute as a little pixie in KHII!

7. Annette Birkin from Resident Evil 2 Ah, crazy Annette. World's worst mother, world's worst wife, world's worst scientist. But I loved her. Most people just remember Ada as being the woman that made an impact in RE2, but Annette made a bigger impact on me, considering she played the same part as Ada, only in Claire's scenrios. I think she would had had more fans had she worn the short red dress instead of Ada (or had gotten Leon's tongue shoved down her throat ;P).

8. The Bowler from Mystery Men. She bowls with her father's skull, 'nuff said.

9. Barbara Gordon from Batman: the Animated Series. aka, Batgirl. But I'm listing her as Barbara because that is when she made the biggest impact on me. The writers did such an awesome job on this show fleshing out her character before she donned the cape and cowl and making a point to show how plucky and smart Barbara was. I also enjoyed how chipper they made her and even kept her after she became Batgirl in contrast to how dark and broody Bruce/Batman. Also, she and Dick were so freaking cute together on the show. Honestly, I love BtAS's version of Dick and Barbara and how different they were/are from the comic book versions. Hell, I can't stand either one of them in the comics :P, but they're my favorite characters in the show.

10. Shion Uzuki from Xenosaga. I'm putting her on this list as to point out that I don't hate her. Shion made some dumb decisions, she hated her brother--who was arguable the coolest character in the entire series, she ignored the sweetest guy until he was bleeding to death, her boyfriend was a DICK, etc. However, she was smart, and when she wanted something she went after it. Honestly, in her position I understand why she was the way she was; with the age different between her and Jin, Shion might had well been an only child, and she ended up relying on herself more than she should had most of her life. And to her credit, she helped designed the fucking awesomest robot ever.

Now, goddammit, I'm going to bed. And I swear, I'll have art to post tomorrow.


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