I heart this weather

Apr 18, 2004 17:45

Take heart fair days will shine
Take heart fair days will shine
Ta-a-a-ake Hea-ar-art
Take heart!
Take heart!
Ta-a-ke heart!
~Pirates of Penzance

Yea so it's what 80 some degress outside? I could get used to this, I LOVE this weather. I was outside on the lawn all morning highlighting IDs but now I actually have to type them which royally sucks because my house is colder then it is outside. The show is SO SOON it's crazy, hopefully we can pull this off, which I know we can. Friday at rehearsal I was watching Act 1 and you know the goosebumps you get when you're watching something extremely amazing? Yea well I got them more then once which is a good sign! Just hope we policemen don't ruin the show which we shouldn't as long as we sing! This week shall be hell, rehearsal until 9:00 all week, Thursday is the first show, the AP is in a few weeks, I have a math spanish and english test all at some point in time this week, and a chem quiz tuesday b.c we always have one then. So to all you at school, be warned I will most likely get bitchier and bitchier as the week goes on.

I can not wait until summer (which better rock girls!) because it will be relaxing, and weather like this everyday ... perfect!!!

Alright back to IDs ... fun fun.
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