Seasons' Greetings 2011 ♥ Pre-Posting Notes

Dec 02, 2011 20:07

We apologize for not getting this info to you sooner, everyone. LJ was down for muse!mod this morning, so posting had to be postponed.

Posting Begins...

Now that we have most of the submissions in and can better judge the timeline, we are officially announcing that posting begins Monday, December 5th.

There will be 12 days of posting, and we will likely take at least a day out of the week to allow for catch-up.


We've had an unbelievable amount of luck this year because we have heard from each of our participants! A few folks still have extensions, so unless one of them fail to come through, we don't need pinch-hitters.

However, just in case, the comments to this post will be screened. If you're willing to pinch-hit, please reply to this post with your email. If we need pinch-hitters, they will be contacted via email. But let's hope that we don't and all goes as planned!

Bonus Gift Round

As mentioned in the rules, we will be hosting a bonus round of gift giving after the posting has been completed. This round will be run exactly like our Flash Fiction Rounds from previous fests. It's always a good time, and people always manage to come up with some amazing drabbles/drawbles. The bonus gift rules will go up along with the bonus gift post, so keep your eyes open for that after posting closes.

fest: seasons' greetings, !mod_post

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