Oct 27, 2010 15:43
This is the Introduction Post for LJ Idol and I had no idea what to say. So, I read introductions already posted and decided I’ll write whatever comes to mind.
This is my first season of LJ Idol and my first ever LJ Idol post.
Can I end it here? Probably, but totally lame, right?
Ummm, yeah.
Okay, okay, let me start again:
Hi, I’m Lily. I’m a 30 something, currently pregnant, new home owner, an unmarried, but by no means single female living in Northern California. I call myself a writer because I write all of the time, but have yet to produce a finished product beyond a vignette. I have blogs aplenty, all involving alternative lifestyles like BDSM, polyamory, bisexuality and, oh, I have a blog in which I actually write book reviews.
I read mostly paranormal romance, science fiction, mythology, theology, anthropology, related books….and comics.
I’m desperately in love with vampires and want to hate that they’ve become so popular, but am reminded that they’ve always been popular, just not teeny bopper fodder. I am a strong believer that vampires do not sparkle and I don’t care which team you’re on. I did buy the first Twilight book, however, I did not finish it. I prefer The Society of S as a coming-of-age story over Twilight. I did see the movie and the best part is the fight scene.
I love to cook, but I don’t follow recipes. They are guidelines for me, and I take pride in being able to make something good out of the stuff I find in my kitchen. I love animals, own too many cats and pray that if my life ever falls apart I’m not found partially eaten by a pack of now-wild felines. Though, there is something to be said about dying smothered under a bunch of pussy.
Oh, I’m sometimes crude, sometimes not. I can be a lady if I want to be. I’ll be PC if it suits me, but not if I’m forced to be. I am opinionated, open-minded and very flexible in my beliefs. Basically, I don’t mind if you can prove me wrong, but you'd better have the stats to back it. I am arrogant, but kind, never cruel, but I will stand up for myself once I’ve decided you’ve gone too far. That doesn’t happen often because really I’m a pushover who wants to be seen as tough as nails. The only thing I can say with absolute certainty is that I am a smartass who doesn’t take things too seriously until it smacks me in the head and I have to.
That good enough?
Okay, so, nice to meet you.