OMG it's been so long

Jan 10, 2014 08:34

A surprisingly lovely comment to receive this morning:

Subject: OT: Your story has been featured on the SSHG Quiz!
It's Severus Snape's birthday and
quiz_sshg is back to celebrate! Your story, January 9th , celebrates Snape's birthday and is featured on the quiz with a quote and a link to your story. Please accept our Featured Author banner as our thank you for sharing your story with SSHG fangirls everywhere.

I forgot I wrote that even! It's been agesssssssssssss oh my Lord. My original in all of fandom OTP. *sigh*

I also don't write worth shit so the fact that anyone even remembered I did that, good on you. Ha! :D

Happy Belated Birthday, Severus!

snape, my fics, harry potter, birthday

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