You Are Fall!
What Season Are You? I've been rather absent from here as of late, partly from cutting back on internet time, and partly from just being out of sorts. The times I'm online most are the times I'm wanting to be alone and withdraw.
I'm so tired of being sick. I'm tired of my asthma and my allergies, and I'm tired of finding things I can't do because I'm sick. I feel like I'll always be sick.
Starting fall 2002, I've gotten sick a lot during the winter. I got bronchitis that September and it lasted until mid-December, when we had a hard freeze. It happened again the next year, and the next. I'd get sinus infections late July, deal with a lot of those until September, then get bronchitis through mid-December. I got sick again last fall, and we came to realize I actually had asthma as well. I didn't have as bad of a bout of bronchitis, but had fairly constant asthma problems, with severe attacks at times. We found the preventative medicines actually made me worse, so I'm not on any of those. Well, the light at the end of the tunnel was mid-December, just "knowing" I'd get better again then. December came and went, and I was feeling just as bad as ever. We never had a hard freeze, so the pollen never died; we still had ragweed blooming in February. My asthma got a bit better around March, but has still bothered me off and on. It's been a lot worse again lately, and my allergies have been horrid. Everyone in the family, even the dog and cat, are having allergy problems, so there's apparently something in the air. But I feel like I'm always going to be sick, and it's very tiring.
I'm hoping that we'll have a hard winter and it will freeze and kill all the pollen...then maybe I'll do better from then until summer. And even when I'm sick during the winter, I do much better when it's cold outside. I can go sit outside, and the cold air helps immensely. So I'm really praying for a good, cold winter this year, and also praying this stuff clears up somehow and that I'll get some relief.