1) FLASHPOINT. Holy shit you guys. I was chatting with
joandarck and
esteefee the other night and they mentioned this show I'd never heard of called Flashpoint. It has Enrico Colantoni! It's on Netflix streaming! Sold, I said. And, as it goes, just a few days later, TOTALLY OBSESSED. Jesus, how is it so good? It also has the Pink Power Ranger, whom I love! I could go on, but I'll wait for now.
2) SGA Saturday Fandom Appreciation
Over at SGA Saturday, we're hosting a kind of fandom appreciation challenging, riffing off of the awesome 15 Days of Snowflakes that
akamine_chan is hosting and some other fandom appreciation events held in the past. It's a month long thing, so you should definitely go and check it out! There's a comment challenge (self-regulated) and a growing list of recs for a variety of SGA fanworks. Super exciting!
Check it out. I'm combining posts here, but I'm NOT combining recs. Come on, surely I can do three SGA recs and three more of anything fandom? Yes, I think I can!
Tis the time of year to be grateful for holiday fic exchanges, and SGA Secret Santa is pretty awesome, as are the mods who have been running it for us for ages and ages.
However, I sometimes find the shear amount of fanworks produced a little overwhelming. SO MUCH fic, where to even start?! And so I often end up relying on rec posts from other folks to help get my feet wet, so to speak. So I just want to call out a couple that I've relied on in the past to help get me into the spirit.
First up:
runpunkrun does rec posts for lots and lots of fandom exchanges and festivals, and I am always so grateful. Check out her first rec from SGA Santa
here, and stay tuned for more in the future.
(Oh, and I will also include what is perhaps my most favorite fic in all of SGA fandom (possibly best fic ever?):
The King of Atlantis. It's silly and goofy and perfectly John and Rodney and teamy, and then the last paragraph sweeps me off my feet. Almost literally. Go read!
tropes wrote,
in one of those very early smooch festivals....ok wow, searching for this was HARD, but totally worth it. It's a Post-First Strike snippet, and even years after I read it, totally gut-wrenching, in the best of ways. I read this before I'd seen the end of Season 3/beginning of Season 4, and the visuals and sense of urgency and desperation, SO GOOD. This is my canon for those epsidoes, absolutely.
3) Snowflake Day 2
Inspired by my bookmarks on Pinboard (which, does Pinboard count as a work of fandom? <3333333), a random assortment of fic, essay, and just general awesomeness.
So, this first one is really just on the off chance that anyone reading this journal loved Veronica Mars and hasn't read
A Strange New Story Every Time by
gyzym . That show had some ups and downs, but I don't think I've truly loved any television more, and this satisfied all of my cravings for the "10 years later" that I always wanted. READ IT! Warning: if you haven't watched VMars, and you read, some pretty HUGE plot points will inevitably be spoiled.
(Ok, but you didn't watch Veronica Mars, so who cares? Fine, go read
this is not a chick flick, some hades/persephone from 2009, but inspired by the Greek myths told thousands of years before.)
Second up, a quick checklist:
Is there gender equity in your TV? Read through the seven very clear, very simple points that
ivanolix put together and find out! Chances are....maybe not. I will warn and say it's one of those things that you can't unsee--even the best of shows have a hard time making every check point (including Flashpoint, at least up to the point I've seen, and oh, Merlin, all Sherlocks ever, Inception...yeah.) Which....is RIDICULOUS. But I can't even begin to say how much I love and appreciate fandom for helping me articulate these kinds of things. Not just in gender issues, but in everything, and this essay is one of many many examples (most of which I sadly did not bookmark) of essays that have helped me broaden my mind and enabled me to speak with more authority on these kinds of issues. \o/ fandom!
Finally, I just want to call out
lamardeuse as one of my number one fandom resources. Her SGA fic is AMAZING (the AUs you guys, I just ;lads;lkasa!) but more than that, she's lead me to nearly all of the fandoms I've found a home in these tough post-SGA days. Merlin, Sherlock the movie, Sherlock BBC....and through those places, Inception, which, yeah, I'll admit it, I have been crushing on FOR MONTHS.) Anyways, she gives recs, she does episode reviews, and she's not afraid to criticize shows when they fail and celebrate them when they succeed. I know I don't say thank you enough to her, so I'll say it now, and make sure to say it with the next post. (At least, the next one I can read. I really need to get my hands on a Scandal in Belgravia. SIGH.)
4) There is no 4! Back to Flashpoint, in the hopes of seeing number 7 from that checklist materialize....
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