Sep 19, 2007 21:13
well so much for the whole "going after the cute boy in class" idea. i guess i missed the boat on that one. in class today one of the younger (read: just out of high school) girls plopped herself down next to James and proceeded to chat him up for both our positioning and into to radiology classes, which together lasted about five and a half hours. and i noticed out of the corner of my eye that every time we had a break in our classes she would get up to do something then shift her seat closer to him when she sat back down so that by the end of intro to radiology class you couldn't have fit a notebook between the two. AND she walked out to her car with him right next to her. so i think it's safe to say i lost out on that one. although i'm slighly bitter seeing as how i'm the older of us, and i feel like she's a bit young for him. i mean, he can't be any younger than me, and i know that guys don't have the same reservations girls do about dating younger, but she's gotta be barely over 18, he's at least four or more years older than her. it's just not fair! not that i'm jumping on my mom's "you need a boyfriend" train but it has been a while since i've dated and this guy is pretty cute, and i was at least hoping to have SOME semblance of a chance before someone else jumped all over him.
i guess i should just get over it because in all honesty, she has just as much right to flirt and go after him as the next girl. but it's pretty slim pickings in my class to begin with so at this point i'm just hoping James has a girlfriend right now because i'd rather he date someone outside the class that i don't have to see all the time than this perky little pipsqueak that jumped in before i could even get a word to this guy. basically for the past few times we had class i just made eyes at him. i caught him looking at me after the first day of class and thought maybe he would be worth pursuing, so i've been trying to catch his eye to see if maybe he's interested, well apparently i took too long. so there goes that idea. i'm hoping now that in the next class someone else sits next to him so i don't have to watch her falling all over him for another five hours or so. and i mean this girl is a Flirt with a capital F. i know i can be a flirt sometimes and if you get a few drinks in me i'm your new best friend, but this girl didn't even need alcohol to be all over him. if he didn't catch on to her by the end of today that boy's thicker than a brick.
but i digress. i need to start getting ready for bed so i was hoping that by venting i would feel better and sleep more soundly, and i do feel better but i have some homework to do before heading to bed since Parker and Griffin were all over me last night and i didn't get a thing done. In case you didn't know Parker and Griffin are my two youngest cousins. Parker's 9, she'll be 10 in December and Griffin is 6. last night they came to visit while i was at my grandmother's. they live on an army base in Germany with my uncle and aunt so they don't get to visit often. i personally love them the most of my cousins because they adore me as much as i do them. last night as soon as they got in Parker cuddled right up next to me on the couch and threw her little fleece blanket over our laps since it was chilly inside. she was soon followed by little Griffin who, without a word, crawled up into my lap and curled up in my arms and also threw his blanket over us. so in less than five minutes i had my own cousin sandwich to warm me right up. and my grandmother turned the heat on since i didn't know where she kept her thermostat. after a while Griffin got down to play with his toys on the floor and Parker moved to my lap, but in those 15 or so minutes i felt so loved. It's a great thing when your little cousins love you enough to just want to be as close to you as possible. I think i'm always the favorite of the younger kids like Parker and Griffin and even Jen's little Owen who's going to be 3 soon. I just have more patience with kids and I'll pretty much allow them to crawl all over me as long as they don't hurt me.
I hope some day i can have a little boy as sweet as Griffin. He's so adorable. He doesn't talk much but he knows how to get his point across. when i got up this morning and came out of my room, he took one look at me and just put his toys down and came over to give me a hug. and he'll do that whole wrap his arms around your neck and put his head on your shoulder thing that little kids do before they get too energetic and crazy. and today when i left for class he also came right over to me with his arms up so i could pick him up in a hug and he gave me a kiss on the cheek without me having to ask like i do with Owen. At first i thought Parker was going to cry when she saw me packing my car to come back home, but I told her i would be back at Gramma's tomorrow night and she was quite excited. i just wish they were closer. sometimes i feel like i'm someone that Parker looks up to and i wish i could be around her more to be an influence.
but enough family mush from me, i really need to get to bed, it's getting way too late. so i'll have to post again another time. at least switching from the whole James situation to my family got me in a better mood. i forgot how good it feels to get my thoughts out in LiveJournal. i hope with my schedule i'll have more time to do it!