let's give this another try

Jul 20, 2007 00:21

i've realized that i'm completely horrible at keeping this thing up. i admit, i'm not good at the whole "updating others on the goings on in my life" thing but hey, i'm trying. the thing that's really making it hard is my job. i sit in front of a computer for eight straight hours and we're forbidden from going on the internet. how sucky is that? the main reason being we should be taking calls and also they're terrified of getting viruses on their network which is understandable because then the whole thing would come crashing down around them and the culprit would promptly be "terminated" which would seriously suck for them. but anyway... other reasons impeding my ability to update the world (mainly claire, leah and the occasional passer-by) on my life is my actual life. it kinda gets in the way. you see, living at home is great in that i don't have to pay for room and board. the bad thing is i have to "carry my own weight" around here as my mom puts it which really means "be the house slave." i distinctly remember her saying something about my chores list getting smaller once i had a job and a paycheck... funny how that never happened. most days now i'm up at 9:30, i run a mile on the treadmill, do some stretches, situps, pushups and the like, take a nice hot shower, eat breakfast (if i'm lucky) and start my ever growing list of chores.

so far every day i have to clean up the kitchen of all the previous days accumulated crap which includes emptying the dishwasher of the last load of dishes i put in it, cleaning everyone elses dirty dishes (i'm never home for supper yet i still clean up after it) putting them in the dishwaser, cleaning the stove and countertops and cleaning up the coffee mess left by my parents every morning. i then move on to the mountains of laundry that need to be washed, either hung outside or dried and then folded and put away. after that it's squeeze in some lunch, get pretty for work, assemble some kind of dinner to bring and then spend what little time i have left organizing throughout the house so that my mom doesn't come home to "a messy house." Mind that during this time any dishes i use go into the dishwasher and any dirty clothes i have are kept in my room until i have enough to wash since i recycle jeans and wear a lot of sweatshirts to work because of the damned A/C so no one sees if i wear the same tank top twice in one week. and yet every morning i awake to a dirty kitchen and everyone else's dirty laundry and messes left from the eight hours i wasn't home. splendid. can anyone say child labor??

the good thing about said schedule though is my morning workouts, since last year i've been desperately trying to form some semblance of a daily workout schedule in my life which, while at school, included gym classes such as pilates, kickboxing, fitness training and rock climbing. but the treadmill is also helping and i can see it in my body. i'm more toned in a lot of places and i'm actually starting to like my butt. the only downer, as i recenly realized is my weight has gone up six pounds since i last was weighed but i know that it's muscle and not fat because my body shape has not changed a bit all year save for a new overall firmness that i lacked in previous years. and honestly i'd rather be 132lbs and fit than 132lbs and flabby. it's just sticking to my daily run that's hard. most days i'm so wiped from the night before that just dragging myself out of bed is a workout in itself.

in other news, it seems as though my dream of getting a new laptop is going to be a while since right now it seems as though life is getting more expensive by the day. let's see... new migraine prescription... $44, but not for a bottle of pills, oh no, for six meltaway tablets that are supposedly the hottest new thing guaranteed to keep those pesky migraines at bay. i almost fainted at the pharmacy when the clerk handed me six individually wrapped pills and demanded $44 for them. fuck you bitch. on top of that let's add $80 for contacts since i'm down to my last two week pair starting Monday and my $160 plane ticket to West Virginia at the end of August to go see Joey... more on that later. and then $50 for part of Jenn's bridal shower gift, and who knows how much i'll owe my mom for her wedding present, a $250 car payment due by the end of the month and speaking of which, said car needs gas soon. i can just see my paycheck next week vanishing in a puff of money scented smoke.

but on the subject of plane tickets, i've finally made the decision to go visit Joey at his school in West Virginia since he did come see QU while i was there, albeit it was only once and it was my freshman year, he did come visit when i moved into my apartment too so i do owe him. and the beauty of it is, i TOLD my mom i was going. i didn't ask, i didn't beg, i made the plans, i bought the ticket and i asked for the time off. Then i told my mom "oh by the way..." and smiled as she went silent on the other end of the phone for a breif period then tried to play it off like it was not really a big deal when i could tell that little hamster in her head was going into overdrive in his little wheel while she calculated the money lost in the five days i would not be working plus the cost of the ticket and my expenses down in WV. and just to top off the whole shebang i purposely left out my flight itinerary with the prices of the ticket and garage for housing my car and today when i called her on my break at work she subtly mentioned that she would bring me to the airport if i wanted so that i wouldn't have to pay to keep my car there. now here's the real kicker, my flight leaves at 6:15am so she's going to have to drag herself out of bed at like 3 to drive the hour to get me there by say 5 and then drive back. and she OFFERED to do it so i wouldn't have to pay for parking. how generous she is. really i know she's desperate to keep as much money in my bank account as possible because god forbid her daughter buy anything for herself that's too expensive. i'm glad i told her about my little perfume expenditure over the phone while at work, and decided to say it was $100 when in fact i spent a hefty $130 on two bottles of my ragdoll perfume on ebay since stupid Hot Topic phased it out. i thought she was going to reach through the phone and strangle me before i said "oops break's over.. bye mom." i'm getting good at avoiding the subject of money with her.

i'll let you know how it goes when i go up to Burlington and get my new tattoo i've been fantasizing over for a month. not only is it not going to be cheap (the place charges a base fee of $50 and goes up from there) but also i remember her once saying "no more tattoos while under my roof" ... but then again that was before i got the star on my foot and here i am in her house, under her roof, using her computer. which of course is the only working computer right now since my laptop had another torrid affair with yet another AC adapter that promptly died on me last night. although this time it wasn't in the middle of finals mere hours before my two hardest tests thus giving me a mini heart attack. but i did call dell and yell at them and demanded a new adapter for free since i just bought the last one two months ago. at least hajib or whatever his name is was nice about it, although he took forever in getting it through their system so that i could go back to work 15 minutes after my break was supposed to be over. but not like Amy minded, i don't even think she noticed. and i secretly did clock back in at the time my break was supposed to end and just snuck out into the foyer where no one could see me to finish the call.

so now that i've updated the world on pretty much all the goings on in my life since i last posted, i think it's time to check my e-mail and head to bed. i'm working 12-8 tomorrow which means i have to get up at 8 to get my routine rolling and have enough time to do it all. although i'm tempted to start up my "oops i forgot" routine where i leave one chore undone on my list every day and blame it on "i got caught up in other stuff and forgot." i'll let you know how that goes. laterr!

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